This page documents the SCA year Anno Societatis XXIV (A.S. 24) – 1 May 1989 to 30 April 1990.
The major milestones for the Principality of Lochac in the are summarised in the table below.
Royalty | Calendar Year | Month | Milestones |
Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena |
1989 | May | The College of St Christina the Astonishing (Flinders University, SA) forms with Rene du Bon Bois as the first Seneschal. |
June | |||
Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian |
July | On the 15th, Styvyn and Rhyllian are crowned the fifth Prince and Princess of Lochac. | |
August | The Canton of Hawkes Reach (later Hawkesreach) forms with Lindoret of Bryn Myrddyn as the first Seneschal. | ||
September | |||
October | |||
November | |||
December | The Canton of Dubh-Thrain (Western Suburbs of Melbourne, Vic) forms with Cynon Yscolan ap Myrddin as the first Seneschal. | ||
Prince Elffin II |
1990 | January | On the 6th, Elffin II and Rowan are crowned the sixth Prince and Princess of Lochac at Twelfth Night Coronation in Politarchopolis. |
February | |||
March | The College of St Gildas the Wise (University of Tasmania, Tas) is founded with Leif Gregson as the first Seneschal. | ||
April | The Principality has 26 extant groups, 45 Peers and 325 award recipients.The first Autumn Coronet not to be held at a Rowany Festival occurs at Llyn Arien.The Canton of Draconis Fortae (later Arx Draconis – Perth, WA) forms with Slaine Mac Keelta as the first Seneschal.The Canton of Agaricus becomes a Shire in its own right and the Seneschal of the new Shire is Raymond of Annan. |
The events held in the Principality of Lochac in AS 24 are summarised below in chronological order.
Saturday, 15 July, 1989
Midwinter Coronation – Styvyn and Rhyllian are crowned the fifth Prince and Princess of Lochac.
Saturday, 6 January, 1990
Twelfth Night Coronation – hosted by Politarchopolis. The event was held at the Belconnen Churches Centre, Benjamin Way, Belconnen, ACT. The autocrat was Morwenna of Oystermouth.

Friday, 12 January, 1990
Four Day Camping Event – Blessed Herman hosted a four day camping event at Natural Springs Campsite, Harrogate, SA. The autocrat was James of Eastwood.

Saturday, 13 January, 1990
Twelfth Night – hosted by River Haven at the Anglican Church Hall, Cork Street, Yeronga, Qld. The autocrat was Agro Agwesi.
Annual Bath and Viking Watch – hosted by Hawkes Reach at Wanda Beach, Cronulla, NSW. The autocrat was Tagan of Faulconreach.
Plantagenet Revel – hosted by Aneala at the Claremont Town Hall, Stirling Highway, Claremont, WA. The autocrat was Evolynne van der Hargen.
Saturday, 20 January, 1990
Fifth Anniversary Feast – hosted by Agaricus at the Dorothy McKellar Room, EG Whitlam Centre, Memorial Avenue, Liverpool, NSW. The autocrat was Marit the Wanderer.
Sunday, 21 January, 1990
Breakfast with the Animals Demo – hosted by Mordenvale at Blackbutt Reserve, Carnley Avenue, Kotara, NSW. The autocrat was Gunnric MacAlpin.
Friday, 26 January, 1990
Mordenvale’s Birthday – hosted by Mordenvale at Woods Point, Morriset (Lake Macquarie), NSW. The autocrat was Anastacia the Healer.
Saturday, 27 January, 1990
Arts and Sciences Collegium – A three day event hosted by Innilgard at Malvern Uniting Church, Marlborough St Malvern, SA. The autocrat was Aislinn de Valence.
Fair, Feast and Tourney – A two day event hosted by Parvus Portus (based in Ipswich) at Carbarlah Hall, Crow’s Nest Road, Qld. The autocrat was Wulfstan of Broxton.
Saturday, 17 February, 1990
St Valentine’s Day Archery Competition – hosted by St Aldhelm at Willows Oval, North Road, ANU, ACT. The autocrat was Sulaiman Orlando Cordobes.
Saturday, 24 February, 1990
Seneschal’s Birthday Celtic Feast – hosted by Innilgard at Tusmore Masonic Hall, Fisher Street, Tusmore, SA. The autocrat was Arienwen ferch Einion.
Thursday, 1 March, 1990
Newcomers Week – hosted by St Gildas at the University of Tasmania, Tas.
Saturday, 10 March, 1990
Hospitaler’s Potluck – hosted by St Aldhelm at Corroboree Park Hall, Patterson Street, Ainslie, ACT. The autocrat was Suilamon Orlando Cordobes.

Sunday, 11 March, 1990
Archery Tourney – hosted by Abertridwr at Coogee Primary School, Mayor Road, Coogee, WA. The autocrat was Algrin the Dark.
Saturday, 24 March, 1990
Misrule Feast – hosted by Rowany at All Saints Church Hall, Ambrose Street, Hunters Hill, NSW. The autocrat was Filippa Ginevra Francesca degil Lucignano.
Saturday, 31 March, 1990
Newcomers Tourney and Feast – hosted by Blessed Herman and St Christina at Barr-Smith Lawns at the University of Adelaide, SA. The autocrat was Rene du Bon Bois.

Sunday, 8 April, 1990
Newcomers Tourney – hosted by Abertridwr at Coogee Primary School, Mayor Road, Coogee, WA. The autocrat was Kane Greymane.
Thursday, 12 April, 1990
Rowany Festival – a six day event hosted by Rowany at Fairholm Park, Ashwood Road, Wilton, NSW. The autocrat was Nygelly Baedd Gwyllt.

Friday, 13 April, 1990
White Meat Feast – hosted by Parvus Portus (based in Ipswich) at Dinmore-Riverview Scout Den, River Road, Dinmore, Qld. The autocrat was Catherine the Friendly.
Thursday, 19 April, 1990
Autumn Coronet Tourney – a four day event hosted by Mordenvale at Woods Point, Morriset (Lake Macquarie), NSW. The autocrat was Aelfwine Thancolmod Deorweald.
Saturday, 28 April, 1990
Darling Harbour Medieval Faire – hosted by Rowany at Darling Harbour Entertainment Centre, Tumbalong Park, NSW. The autocrat was Morgan Brodryg Aegelweard.