On 1 November 2014 (AS49) at the Yass Showgrounds in the Shire of Torlyon, the November Crown tournament was fought and Viscount Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur was victorious. He fought for the love and inspiration of his wife Viscountess Altani Khaligu.
Notably, Kinggiyadai and Altani are the only people to have been Baronage of a Lochac barony, Coronet of the Principality, and the Crown of the Kingdom of Lochac (as at August 2015).

During Twelfth Night AS 49, held in the Canton of Stowe-on-the-Wowld on 10 January 2015, Kinggiyadai and Altani were crowned to become Lochac’s 26th Crown.

Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, January 2015
Their reign is styled in the clothing and culture of 11th-13th century Mongolian. As such, the King is titled Khaghan (Kah-garn) and the Queen is titled Yeke Khatun (Yeh-key Kah-toun).
Royal Household
Chamberlain: TH Lady Katherne Rischer
Cherbi / 王室管家 (Wángshì guǎnjiā) – (Royal Household Steward): Duke Sir Alfar of Attica
Kheshig (Royal Guards):
- Örlög (field commander): Baron Master Hanbal Al-Barbari
- Countess Angharat Benbras
- Baron Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill
- Lady Collette de Harcourt
- Corin of Attica
- TH Baron Master Dimitrii Borodinskii
- Elwald Knudson
- Gerel
- Jajiridai
- Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier
- Jutai Nurhaci
- Kazimira Suchenko
- Lankin Ealdwulf
- Perran of Lyskyret
- Ranif Pallesser
- Baron Rodrigo de Burgos
- Lady Safiya bint al-Shahid
- Lord Theodulfus Vindocladius Audax
- Lord William Sergeant
- Lord Yorick Radgestr
Ordu (household members):
- Lady Ana Wandererin
- Lady Anna Gheleyns
- Baroness Cordelia of the Greenbriar
- Eugain of Whitby
- Baroness Mistress Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair
- Ilona of Attica
- Jeneur le Geline
- Sir Jock MacTavish
- Lady Kiyoko
- Lilavati Metoiki
- Lord Maximus of Stowe
- TH Baroness Medb ingen Iasachta
- TH Baroness Mistress Sara van den Hove
- Lord Skarp-Heðin Sverðvarpnir
- Unn Knudsen
- Tungge
- Nergui
- Oliver
- Abby
- Quinn
- Hamish Gheleyns
Reign Progress
During Twelfth Night Coronation AS 49, Queen Liadan ingen Fheradaig II entered first Court at the event with a newly obtained household member from a raid. During second Court, Kinggiyadai rushed in to surround King Niall and Queen Liadan with his loyal Horde (armed to the teeth with bows and arrows), demanding that They return his wife Altani to him (i.e. the anonymous new household member of Liadan’s). At this point, Niall II and Liadan II had already dismissed the majority of Their household and had two options – relinquish the Crown to Kinggiyadai and Altani, or attempt to fight Their way out. Despite Niall II’s thirst for blood, They decided on the peaceful option and relinquished the Crown and the Crown Lands on the proviso that Kinggiyadai and Altani show mercy on the populace. And, so, Kinggiyadai was Crowned Khagan and Altani was Crowned Yeke Khatun of Lochac.
Kinggiyadai Khagan and Altani Yeke Khatun spent nearly a week in Their Barony of Southron Gaard at Canterbury Faire AS 49. During Their visit, They strengthened Their hold on Lochac by adding many members of the populace to Their Royal Household and to the Yeke Khatun’s Hordelings (aka Mouse Guard).

In order to strengthen Their new claim to Lochac, the Khagan and Yeke Khatun took to traveling around Lochac to make ties with the landed gentry of the various groups, and in confronting any who opposed Their claim. This is best summarised through extracts from Their missive, published in the March 2015 edition of Pegasus:
Dear subjects of the Empire of Lochac,
Niall and Liadan have, with some persuading, ceded their claim to the throne of this land and We; Kinggiyadai and Altani, now stand in their stead.
For their excellent stewardship, We created them the newest Dux and Duchess; we hope they live sufficiently long to enjoy the fruits of their recent labours.
In fact, their rule was so successful that we have seen a little reticence in believing that it’s all over. Several of the governors of distant baronies have not yet made obeisance, and more to the point, have not sent taxes that keep the wheels of the Empire crushing smoothly. Clearly We will have to visit upon them with convincing arguments the benefits of life under the Pax Mongolica.
Unlike some other mongols we might name, We made a successful trip across the sea to the eastern Isles and attained Canterbury Faire in Southron Gaard. It was a wonderful event with many interesting and valuable people, activities and treasures, especially the Half Circle Theatre and a well-run children’s collegia overseen by Lady Csperca Farcas. Indeed the Empire is growing with the Mongol Hordes, particularly in the personls of the Hordeling Guard (the Mouse Guard) and other worthy recipients of the imperial medals.
We would like to thank all the fair gentles in that land for their warm welcome and hospitality, and We confirm Oswyn and Isabel Maria as Our plenipotentiaries in that land.
Kinggiyadai Khagan Altani Yeke Khatun
One of these wars took place at Border War XVII in the Shire of Bordescros. The result of this war was summarised by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier, Champion of the Baronage of Rowany
To Their Excellencies Rowany, greetings!
At your order, I, your Champion, did ride with the Khan on his chevaucheè to Bordescros. There, with the support of the Ravening, a fierce household of warriors from the cold North lands, the Khan and his loyal forces of Rowany and Stormhold did take the field against the tax dodging Innilgardians – themselves backed by formidable allies who called themselves Phoenix Rise. I do believe I also saw the Baron of Politarchopolis fighting… against us.
Much blood was shed, a mining catastrophe occurred and many warriors fell underneath a hail of arrows, however the Khan emerged unscathed and victorious. Having captured the governors of Innilgard, they had no choice but to swear fealty and be subjugated under the Khan’s rule. Of the Baron of Politarchopolis, however, there was no sign…
I bring this missive to you as the Khan prepares to ride north to make Mordenvale a vassal – and perhaps afterwards send forces south to Politarchopolis.
In Service to Rowany
Signeur Jean-Christophe le Saussier
Rowany Champion of Armoured Combat
Notable historic occurrences
One of the notable things about Their Mongolian-styled Reign was that the Kingdom Award Ceremonies had been altered to reflect Mongolian culture. A list of awards TRM Kinggiyadai and Altani gave out during Their Reign is documented on Lochac’s Canon Lore.
In place of the typical writs or scrolls recieved in Court by new armigers (i.e. new recipients of the Award of Arms) of the Kingdom, Kinggiyadai and Altani presented metal gerege tokens. They commissioned the making of said tokens from Dueña Joie Tigre d’Argentona. The significance of these tokens are explained on The Haus with Known Steppes.

Perhaps the most significant thing that happened during Their Reign was the establishment of Lochac’s fourth peerage – the Order of Defence for rapier. During May Crown AS 50, Kinggiyadai and Altani elevated Lochac’s inaugural three members and officially closed the Order of the White Scarf of Lochac.
Events attended during the Reign
- Twelfth Night Coronation AS 49 in Stowe-on-the-Wowld (10-11 January 2015)
- Canterbury Faire AS 49 in Southron Gaard (19-24 January, 2015)
- The Holy City – War and Feast in Lightwood (7 February 2015)
- Border War XVII in Bordescros (20-22 February 2015)
- Rhythm and Brews in Mordenvale (28 February)
- Rowany Newcomers Day in Rowany (14 March 2015)
- The War to Keep Politarchopolis Free (aka Mongolian BBQ) in Politarchopolis (21 March 2015)
- Rowany Festival AS 49 in Rowany (2-7 April 2015)
- Autumn Gathering in Aneala (24-27 April 2015)
- May Crown AS 50 in Ildhafn (2-3 May 2015)
- Flametree Ball in Adora (16 May 2015)
- Panther Hunt IV in Dismal Fogs (22-24 May 2015)
- Great Northern War AS 50 in Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière (5-8 June 2015)
- Saturnalia Ball in Politarchopolis and Torlyon (20-21 June 2015)
- Midwinter Coronation AS 50 in Cairn Fell (3-5 July 2015)