Event Information
Rowany Festival AS49 was held over Thursday the 2nd to Tuesday the 7th of April. It was the second Festival to be held at Camp Wombaroo (near Mittagong in New South Wales, Australia) and it was the third Festival to be run for 6 days instead of 5 (the others being Festival AS34 and Festival AS48). The Steward of the event was Lady Collette de Harcourt, and attendance was estimated at 1,200 people.

The event timetable was compiled by Baroness Ameline de Colwell. The Arts and Sciences timetables and class descriptions were compiled and co-ordinated by TH Lady Ailis inghean Mheadhbha. Children’s Schola was put together by Baroness Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza. Rapier Marshals in Charge were Baroness Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin and Don Gomez de Crecy. Heavy Marshal in Charge was Sir Lucas von Aych. The Archery Marshal in Charge was Baron Jean the Hornmaster. The various timetables and class descriptions can be accessed below:
- Festival-Rapier-festival 2015
- Festival-2015-Booklet-240315-final
- Children’s Schola Timetable

The site map for the event was managed, and drawn, by TH Lady Antoinette Travaillie.

Grand Procession
Inspired by the grand processions held at Pennsic War where the various Kingdoms of the Known Worlde declare their allegiances, Lochac held her second Grand Procession for the Barons and Baronesses, Shires, Cantons and Households of the Kingdom to declare their allegiances for the coming war.
The premise for the war at Festival AS49 was that the Mongol Horde was slowly assimilating the various Baronies of Lochac into the Empire of Lochac, and those Baronies in the far south and far north were rebelling against it. More information on the cause of this war is documented on the Reign of Kinggiyadai I and Altani I webpage.
Various groups of Lochac processed into court, one group at a time, and proclaimed their allegiances with either the Empire or the Southern Rebels. The processions were colourful with banners and heraldry a-plenty, and some groups even processed in to music or chanting.
Allies for the Empire
- Barony of Rowany
- Barony of Politarchopolis
- Barony of Mordenvale
- Canton of Okewaite
- Asylum
- Shire of Adora
- House Attica
- House Drachensmiede
- House of Hurts

Allies of Southern Rebels
- Barony of Innilgard
- Barony of Stormhold
- Barony of Krae Glas
- Barony of Ynys Fawr
- Barony of Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière
- Barony of River Haven
- Barony of Aneala
- College of Blessed Herman the Cripple
- House of Hurts
- House Descartes
- Combined Households of Ravning
- The Abyss

Overall Festival Victors
The victors banner of Rowany Festival, depicting Nike the Goddess of Victory, was presented to the Southern Rebels and Allies for winning overall in the Heavy War Scenarios. The Baronage of Stormhold took possession of the banner on behalf of their team, to return it to Rowany Festival AS50 for the next victors to hold.

Heavy War
For Rowany Festival AS49, a fort (known as Fortdello) was built on the Festival site by a large contingent of volunteers. Despite the weather threatening to close the fort due to wet and muddy conditions, the fort was able to be used for the first time.

The various battles of war raged on throughout Festival, however, the Southern Rebels and Allies were victorious overall.

Despite the Empire’s overall loss, Kinggiyadai Khagan presented each of those who fought for the Empire a coin for their services.

The Baronage of Innilgard presented a Heroes Cloak to the Crown of Lochac. The cloak was charged to be given by the Crown to a War Hero from Rowany Festival, and for a new cloak to be made by a different Barony/Group each year to present to the Crown for the same purpose. The Baronage of Stormhold volunteered to make next years cloak.

The Inaugural recipient of the Heroes Cloak was Baron Master Hanbal al Barbari for his valiance and story-worthy exploits as war leader of the Empires side on the war field, including the implementation of the codeword ‘trousers’ in his war plan.

Festival AS49 saw six peerages, including two pelicans, two knighthoods and two laurels.

Heavy Fighting
Rose Tournament
The Rose Tournament is hosted each year by the Order of the Ladies of the Rose, and it takes on an entirely different format each time.
This year, the tournament was run as a valhalla style tournament and aimed to raise funds for the charity Beyond Blue. $1157.45 was raised.

Henri’s Polearm Tournament
Unfortunately, due to inclement weather, Henri’s Polearm Tournament was cancelled for Festival AS49.
Barony of Origin Tournament
Lochac’s second Barony of Origin tournament was run by Duke Niall inn Orkneyskii. The concept was that it was a teams tournament where participants grouped in the baronies they were first authorised in.
Team Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière were the victors this year, with the team including: Sir Leofric, Sir Henri, Lady Fleur, Sir Tomas,

Penny’s Shanking Tourney
Heavy Fighter Auction Tournament (FAT)
The FAT is the premier tournament in Lochac, attracting the largest pool of heavy combatants in a single tournament in the Kingdom. This year there were 66 combatants.
The first stage of the tournament this year involved splitting the combatants across several fields and completing a round robin. The top few fighters from each field were combined to one field for the second stage – a single kill, single elimination round. The finals were fought as single kill, triple elimination.
The victor of the FAT was Sir Lucas von Aych, defeating Sir Nathan Blacktower.

This year, the prize from last year (an extant Roman military spur, dated 1-2nd Century AD, bronze, found in Burgundy), was again passed on to the victor.
White Scarf Ceremonies
Three members were added to the OWLs (Order of the White Scarf of Lochac) at Rowany Festival AS49.
Provost Lindoret of Brynn Myrddin from Rowany was admitted on the Saturday, becoming Lochac’s 23rd member.

Provost Gilbert Wauchope from Stormhold was admitted on the Monday, becoming Lochac’s 24th member.

Free Scholar Lorccan Ruadh from Politarchopolis was admitted on the Tuesday, becoming Lochac’s 25th member.

Guild Prizes
Lochac’s Guild of Defence had 11 successful prizes played at Festival:
- Scholar Declan of Drogheda completed his Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Ivan completed his Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Trica Ludwig completed her Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Finnr Magnusson completed his Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Amalia completed her Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Sebastien completed his Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Henri de Montferrant completed his Free Scholar Prize
- Scholar Eva von Danzig completed her Journeyman’s Prize
- Free Scholar Kit Hackforth completed his Journeyman’s Prize
- Free Scholar Mark von Riga completed his Journeyman’s Prize
- Journeyman Ludwig von Regensburg completed his Provost Prize
Newcomers Tournament
Ethan Drake from Innilgard was the victor of the Newcomer’s Tournament, which was run as a round robin between approximately 10-12 entrants.

Veterans Tournament
This tournament was open to authorised fencers 50+ years of age. Approximately 8 people entered, and the victor on the day was Free Scholar William de la Montaigne Coupé.
Teens Tournament
Don Owain Cantor ap Hughe ran the second tournament in Lochac aimed at under 16’s. There were 5 entrants in the tournament, and the victor was 13 year old Miro of the Red Griffin from Politarchopolis.
Cut and Thrust Tournament
Marcus von Riga from Innilgard was the victor of the Cut and Thrust tournament at Rowany Festival AS49.
Games Morning
Journeyman Raegan of Lunihawk and Free Scholar Jude of Lunihawk organized a morning of fencing games, including sheep stealing (poor Algernon the sheep), zombies and team obstacle courses. Approximately nine participants showed up to compete, despite the rain, and they participated with much enthusiasm.

Baroness’ Rapier Tournament
The Baronesses’ Rapier Tournament included a large field of combatants, and was fought as a challenge tourney.
The victor of the tournament was Don Caleb Adolphus. He received the perpetual trophy of a buckler which had been repainted for Festival AS48 (i.e. the previous year) by Baroness Eva von Danzig.

The Baronesses also traditionally award the Sword of Chivalry to an entrant in the tournament that inspires or impresses them. This Festival, the Sword of Chivalry was awarded to Provost Gilbert Wauchope.

Queen’s Glove Rapier Tournament
The Queen’s Glove Rapier Tournament was run as a challenge tourney where each entrant was given 6 lives (represented by ribbons) to exchange for each win/loss. Those with the most lives at the end fought in a single kill, single elimination semi-final.

As is tradition, Altani Yeke Khatun awarded the Queen’s Glove to the one who inspired and impressed her the most on the day – that recipient being Odette of Rowany.

Teams Tournament
Bennetti’s Defense, a team from Innilgard, crushed the Teams Tourney – which saw nine teams of four enter. Their reward was to fight all other eight teams, which formed a Brute Squad and attacked them all at once. The victorious team included Guildmaster William Blackwood, Don Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye, Journeyman Mark von Riga and Journeyman Kit Hackforth.

Ladies Rapier Tournament
The Kingdom of Lochac held her second Ladies Rapier Tournament this Festival. 11 women entered this year.
The concept was inspired by the Lady Rapier tourneys and the format was inspired by the Novice’s tourney, all from Pennsic War 42. Prizes were given out to the top six places, including the perpetual trophy of the winners hood (made by TH Lady Honoré Corbaut).
TH Lady Ceara Shionnach was the victor, earning the most victory points in the bear pit for the hour. Dona Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin came a close second place (by one point).

Rapier Auction Tournament (RAT)
The Rapier Auction Tournament (RAT) held at Rowany Festival included around 24 combatants and followed the format of the FAT.

Lord Francesco di Falco di Pietro Aviati vinattiere defeated Don Gilbert Wauchope in the finals to win the tournament.

Rowany Festival’s First Rapier War
Baron Yevan de Leeds hosted Rowany Festival’s first ever rapier war. Unfortunately, as Fortdello was a bit too wet and muddy to use, the war took place around hay bale walls in front of the fort.

3 x 10 minute ‘capture the flag’ scenarios were run with the sides organised in Empire and Allies versus Southern Rebels and Allies. The Southern Rebels won the first scenario, however, the Empire finished strongly with two victories to take the War.

A variety of archery activities were undertaken at Festival AS49, including combat archery during the war and a selection of target archery competitions.

The competition results for archery at Festival this year are as follows:
- Queens Round – David of the Steel Embassy
- Kings Round – Robert of Mordenvale
- Clout Shoot – Robert of Mordenvale
- Bear Hunt – Robert of Mordenvale
- IKAC (open) – TH Lord Ulric of Ambeldune
- IKAC (period) – Lord Wintherus Alban

Combat archery appears to be growing again, with five combat archers authorised at Festival and many lights and some mediums taking the field in the various war scenarios.

Lochac’s Company of Archers
Lord Ranif Pallesser was elevated into the Lochac Company of Archers – the Kingdom’s highest archery award.

Arts and Sciences
A comprehensive Arts and Sciences timetable was managed by TH Lady Ailis inghean Mheadhbha. The timetable and class descriptions are available below:

Children’s Activities
Childrens Boffer Auction Tournament
The children’s boffer auction tournament is a regular occurrence at Festival. Children use boffer weapons (i.e. padded weapons) to fight in junior tournaments without the need for armour. The victor receives a cloak that gets passed from champion to champion, with an embroidered patch sewn onto the cloak so that their victory is always remembered. The cloak was donated by Sir Gui von Oberhausen – worn by him for his knighthood ceremony.
The victor this year was the young lord Tyran of Mordenvale, his second concurrent win in this tournament. The tournament raised over $600 this year.

Children’s Fort Battle
Every year at Festival, the children of Lochac defend the children’s fort against those “big, mean-looking knights”. Strangely enough, the children win every year…

Photo by Duchess Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora, April 2015

Photo by Duchess Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora, April 2015
Children’s Schola
Children’s Schola was run again this year, which is an arts and sciences and entertainment program for the children of Lochac. Baroness Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza was this years co-ordinator. It included hands on classes such as doll making and entertainment such as storytelling of period classics and the children’s quest. The timetable is available at the top of this page under ‘Event Information’.

Market Day
Each year, from 9am until lunch time, there is a Market Day held at Rowany Festival. Permanent and temporary merchants alike fill tables with their wares to sell to the populace.

The rainy morning did little to deter people from the markets this year, with both the Tavern and the Great Hall packed with avid shoppers.

The Northern Reaches Venetian Soire
The Barony of Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière ran a Venetian Masques cocktail part at the Northern Reaches campsite on the Friday night of Festival AS49.
Their Excellences challenged all comers to bring pride to their baronies by displaying their baronial colours in their masks, for example:
- purple and white/sliver for Saint Florian,
- blue, gold/yellow and white/silver for Riverhaven,
- green, red and white/silver for Rowany.
The Jolly Duke, a homebrew tavern run by Baron Drake Morgan and Duke Sir Alaric of Bangor, supplied free drinks throughout the evening and Mistress Phillipa provided a bunch of pettifores for the occasion.
The idea came upon the event organiser – Countess Lilya Bint Hizir – last year at Festival as the mist arose and began to roll up the hill to the Northern Reaches campsite. Her passing thought was how beautiful the image of masked people coming out of the mists would be. Later that night, a whole load of people dressed in modern onesies invaded the camp. They were enjoying their festive activities so much that Countess Lilya was inspired to approach Their Excellencies about running a gentle, period party, in a Venetian masked theme.
A Good Friday Ball was held this year, along with a Caroso Ball on the Sunday.
At the Caroso Ball, there were also a bunch of dance classes for different levels of skill, from 15th C Italy and 16th Century England, France and Italy.

Photo courtesy of Lady Joanna of the Beechwoods, April 2015.

Photo courtesy of Lady Joanna of the Beechwoods, April 2015.
Night Games by Torch Light
Countess Beatrice and Lady Christine Bess Duvant hosted some night games on the village green, illuminated by flaming torches. The games included chariot racing, chariot jousting and boffer sheap stealing.

Boars Head Theatre
Mistress Margie of Glen More hosted the Boars Head Theatre in the tavern on the final night of Festival this year.

There were a whopping 26 acts, spanning nearly 3 hours of entertainment, and the performances this year included:
- Mistress Rowan and Lord Nicodemus performed a puppet play – the dark tale of Snow White
- Baron Master Crispin Sexi – a trope about Master Owen Vander Noonden (Said Milder to Molder)
- Gilligan O’Tomelty sung Swear Your Sword
- A rewording of Shakespeare’s band of brothers speech from Henry V, to make it about Border War by Mistress Margie of Glen More, performed by Dame Miriam Galbraith, Baron Iames Douglas, Baron Master Hanbal al Barbari, Duchess Liadan ingen Fheradaig, Sir Jon Dai, and Lord Jean-Christoph le Saussier.
- Angele sang Stretched on my Grave
- Countess Mistress Bethan Daniels of Brockwood sang The Foxy Song
- Safiya sang Do You Wanna Build a Salet
- Lord Anton de Stoc performed a two-minute Lochac Stand up
- Lady Caitlin Dai sang a song she wrote about The Troll Tent
- Marie L’Enchante sang a French song
- Cassa de Libre sang I’m at Festival and I’m Okay
- Matthijys retold a period story about Robin Hood
- Eleanora sang Slaughter Your World (a Little Mermaid filk)
- Mistress Miriam Galbraith sang a French Crusader Song (translated into English)
- Jan Janssen did a performance piece, to the jazz flute of Dona Genvieve, The Armour Striptease
- Aller d’Argent sang I’m Coming Home Ireland
- Declan of Drogeda sung Martin Said to his Man
- Yseult sang The Young Man Song
- Paddy sang Smaug the Magic Dragon
- Bart the Blaggard and friend sang and played the Gay Pirate Song
- Baron Master Crispin Sexi sang My Bow (a song about combat archery)
- Lady Lyssa sang a song she wrote called Jon Dai’s Daughter
- Countess Mistress Margie of Glenmore directed Romeo and Juliet in 90 seconds – including Lady Amelot d’Akeney, Dona Genvieve, Baron Master Giles Leabrook, Lady Helouys le Poer, Master Paddy, Lord Al’attar, Baron Andreas Reinhardt, Viscountess Mistress Rowan Perigrynne, Viscount Sir Brusi Anderson of the Shetlans, Madeleine, and Lord Jean-Christoph le Saussier.
- Casa de Libre sang the 12 Days of Heraldic Page School, with help from the children in the audience
- Mairi of Kilrock sang a song she wrote called The Frustrated Constable (to the tune of 99 Bottles)
- Bart the Blaggard and friend sang and played two more songs (due to encore call).