Mundane Location
- Founded
- Month Year, SCA Name Seneschal
- Progress:
- Canton: Date; Shire: Date; Barony: Date (SCA Name and SCA Name).
- Baronage:
- SCA Name and SCA Name. Full list.
- Sub-branches
- College of Saint Name, Canton of Name, Hamlet of Name; former Canton of Name.
- Blazon of arms
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Internet Presence:
- Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Meet-Up, LiveJournal, MySpace, Parler, MeWe, etc etc etc
- Notable events
- Notable Events
- Name origin
- Origin of name
- Extra Title #1
- Extra Detail #1
The Barony of Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière is based in South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is one of the groups that makes up the region in Lochac referred to as the Northern Reaches, along with the Barony of River Haven and the Shire of Willoughby Vale.
Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière, colloquially called Saint Florian, elevated to Baronial status on 28 July 2001 with Gabriel de Beaumont and Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora as Baron and Baroness Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière – that is, the founding Baronage of Saint Florian.
Photos of various members of the populace are available on St Florian’s online picture gallery.
Online Presence
The Barony has a website, various email lists and a facebook group.
Reigning Barons and Baronesses
The full list and dates of all reigning Barons and Baronesses (also known as Landed Gentry or Landed Barons and Baronesses) are listed on the Canon Lore website under Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière.
The current Baron and Baroness are Master Drake Morgan and Mistress Acacia de Navarra, who stepped up on 23 November, 2013.

Photo from the baronial website.
Baronial Device
The device for the Barony of Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière is emblazoned on the Lochac Roll of Arms as follows: Argent, a cross bottony within a laurel wreath purpure.

As at August AS49, the Barony of Saint Florian did not have any sub-groups.
Baronial Awards
Baronial awards are bestowed by the landed Barons and Baronesses, often in response to recommendations they receive from the populace.
The Metier was created by Gabriel and Constanzia in July 2001 to recognize those artisans who, through great craftsmanship and skill have enhanced the reputation and appearance of our Barony and its people.

Photo provided by Duchess Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora.
The Bouget was created by Gabriel and Constanzia in July 2001 to recognise those people, through their service, have borne the load of duty and responsibility to enrich our gatherings and surrounds through immense and varied service. This is not limited to those members within the Barony, but is able to be given to anyone who has provided great service to members of the Barony
Order of Saint Florian
The Order of St Florian was created by Gabriel and Constanzia in July 2001 to honour those who have, with vision and great initiative, taken it upon themselves to positively shape and influence it’s traditions, it’s culture and the manner in which St Florian is able to achieve greatness.

Photo provided by Duchess Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora.
The Boucliet was created by Giles and Maud in 2006 to reward any who serve the Barony in any martial capacity.
Baronial Cyphers
The Baron and Baroness bestow Baronial Cyphers upon those who significantly enrich their tenure. The tokens change throughout time.
Major Events in Saint Florian
- Knights of the North Pas d’Armes is a heraldic heavy tournament held annually.
- Battle of Buttony Cross is a heavy melee tournament held annually.
- Great Northern War is alternately hosted by Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière and River Haven in June each year.