Mundane Location
- Founded
- Month Year, SCA Name Seneschal
- Progress:
- Canton: Date; Shire: Date; Barony: Date (SCA Name and SCA Name).
- Baronage:
- SCA Name and SCA Name. Full list.
- Sub-branches
- College of Saint Name, Canton of Name, Hamlet of Name; former Canton of Name.
- Blazon of arms
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Internet Presence:
- Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Meet-Up, LiveJournal, MySpace, Parler, MeWe, etc etc etc
- Notable events
- Notable Events
- Name origin
- Origin of name
- Extra Title #1
- Extra Detail #1
The Barony of Innilgard is based in Adelaide, South Australia and includes land in the Northern Territory, Australia.
The Barony of Innilgard was established on 21 June 1986 and is the second oldest Barony in Lochac. Tovye Woolmongere and Aislinn de Valence are Baron and Baroness Innilgard – that is, the founding Baron and Baroness of Innilgard.
Innilgard’s website includes a photo gallery of various members of the residents, and of many events held there.
Reigning Barons and Baronesses
The full list and dates of all reigning Barons and Baronesses (also known as Landed Gentry or Landed Barons and Baronesses) are listed on the Canon Lore website under Innilgard.
The current landed gentry are Baron Yevan de Leeds and Baroness Eva von Danzig.

Photo by Lord Hugh de Beaufort
Baronial Changeover Events
Baronial Device
The device for the Barony, as described on the Lochac Roll of Arms, is:
Argent, a fret gules, surmounted by a laurel wreath, all within a bordure embattled azure.

- The College of Blessed Herman the Cripple is based at Adelaide University, located in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

Baronial Stories
Read the Adventures of Captain Innilgard, a recount of the exchange and one-upman-ship between the Barons and Baronesses of Krae Glas and Innilgard.
Baronial Awards
Innilgard’s Order of Precedence is published online, listing the members of their barony who have recieved various baronial-level awards.
Order of the Fretted Fiddle
The Order of the Fretted Fiddle is an award for entertainment.
Order of the Fretted Goblet
The Order of the Fretted Goblet is an award for service to the Barony.

Order of the Gobbled Frette
The Order of the Gobbled Frette is an award given to cooking competition winners.

Order of the Golden Owl
The Order of the Golden Owl is an award given for service in the Arts and Sciences (usually teaching).

Order of the Knotted Noose
The Order of the Knotted Noose is given to first time stewards (blue) or feast stewards (red).

Order of the Silver Frette
The Order of the Silver Frette is an award given for grace and courtesy.

Primus Agmen
The Primus Agmen is awarded to those who often set up and pack down.
The Huscarle is the Innilgard heavy combatants top award.

The Courtier is the Innilgard rapier combatants top award.

Arts and Sciences Champion
The Arts and Sciences Champion of Innilgard is awarded a token.

Baronial Ciphers
Baronial ciphers differ between Barons and Baronesses.
The following is a list of major events run by Innilgard:
- La Prova Dura – a Heavy Combatants ‘proof of endurance’ weekend event run every two years.
- Great Southern Gathering – a weekend event alternately shared by the southern baronies of Lochac (including Innilgard, Ynys Fawr, Stormhold and Krae Glas). It usually focuses on Arts and Sciences and Rapier.