On 2 May 2015 (AS50) at the Hunua Falls Camp in the Barony of Ildhafn, Lochac’s May Crown Tournament was fought and Master Sir Steffan Glaube was victorious. He fought for the love and inspiration of his wife Lady Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas.

Princess Branwen was not present at the May Crown Tournament, and was later given the Princess Coronet in the Northern Reaches by Prince Steffan.

During Midwinter AS50, held in the Canton of Cairn Fell on 4-5 July 2015, Steffan and Branwen were invested to become Lochac’s 27th Crown.

Their reign is styled in the clothing and culture of Tudor period (England, late 15th to 16th century). Their Majesties preferences can be found on Lochac’s Royal pages.
They have declared that Their Reign shall be full of peace and joviality.
Royal Household
Chamberlain: Countess Mistress Lilya bint Hizir
Kings Guard
- Captain: Duchess Liadan inghen Fheradaig (heavy combat)
- TH Baroness Ceara Shionnach (rapier)
- Mistress Alexous of Uri (Rapier)
- Lord Gareth Robertson (Archery)
- Lady Kathelyne Berghart ( Archery)
- Lady Der Draigen Rhudd (Heavy)
Queens Guard
- Baron Master Magnus Thorsbjornson (Champion)
- Lord Benedict of York (Heavy)
- Lord Clement Von Arlon (Heavy)
Other Positions
- Viceroy Sir Gui Avec Chival of the Crown Province of Østgarðr (Royal Meme-Maker)
- THL Christine Bess Duvant (Master of Revels)
- Master Ianto van Dieman
- Lady Vitéz Tatiana
- Mistress Jessica of Fearn Abbey
- Lord Malcom Patersone
- Lord Seamus O’ Seamus
- M’lady Jane de Belle
- Lady Yvonne de Valenciennes
Reign Progress
During Midwinter Coronation AS 50, Prince Steffan and Princess Branwen entered court and proclaimed that the conquering of Lochac needed to come to an end, and that the Kingdom should instead be united in peace.
Kinggiyadai Khagan and Altani Yeke Khatun mused over Their options and decided that they would only concede the Crown on two conditions: that They be granted titles to travel across the Kingdom freely at will, and that They and Their household be permitted to keep all of the gold and treasures that They had looted during Their Reign.
Steffan and Branwen agreed to these terms and, as such, were Crowned the 27th King and Queen of Lochac.
Kinggiyadai and Altani made a last ditch effort to exert authority over the new King and Queen by insisting that the Barons and Baronesses (or, at least, most of them) were loyal to Them. However, all landed Barons and Baronesses in attendance ditched the former Khan and Yeke Khatun to swear fealty to King Steffan and Queen Branwen.
Kinggiyadai and Altani were given Counties, and King Steffan gave a special fealty chain as a gift to Kinggiyadai that included 50 links to represent the 50 years of the SCA, 6 links for the 6 month Reign they had just concluded, and 5 links to represent the 5 peerage orders. Altani was also warmly welcomed into the Order of the Rose.
Not long after stepping up, Their Majesties travelled to the Kingdom of AEthelmearc for Pennsic War 44. Much history was made at this event, with the Kingdoms of Lochac and Calontir hosting their first ever joint Court in the Lochac encampment to elevate Slumlord Mikail Azadan Askoldovich into the Order of the Pelican.

Another history-making moment at Pennsic War 44 was when TRM Steffan and Branwen and Their advisors negotiated for Lochac to govern one of the sides of the Bridge Battle (heavy war) – the first time Lochac had ever been given such an honour. They appointed Sir Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands as Captain, who lead Lochac and her Allies to victory in all three Bridge Battles.

The list of awards TRM Steffan and Branwen gave out during Their Reign is available on Lochac’s Canon Lore.
Events attended during the reign
- Midwinter Coronation AS 50 in Cairn Fell (4-5 July 2015)
- Pennsic War 44 (24 July to Aug 8 2015)
- La Prova Dura 3 (28-30 Aug 2015)
- Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière Barional Championsip (5 Sep 2015)
- River Haven Baronial Championship (12 Sep 2015)
- Aneala Baronial Championship (26 Sep 2015)
- Jesters and Fools in Burnfield (10-11 Oct 2015)