Siridean II and Margie I were the 20th Crown of the Kingdom of Lochac, reigning from 7 January 2012 (AS46) until 7 July 2012 (AS47).

On 5 November 2011 (AS46) in the Barony of Rowany at Dragon Hill in Dubbo, New South Wales, Lochac’s November Crown Tournament was fought. Duke Sir Siridean MacLachlan defeated Baron Sir Agro Agwesi in the finals, fighting for his friend Mistress Margie of Glen More.
Twelfth Night Coronation AS46 was hosted by Dragons Bay at the Wandi Progress Association Community Hall on De Heur Road, Wandi, Western Australia.
They stepped down at Midwinter Coronation AS47 in the Barony of Innilgard at Adelaide-Mannum Rd, Gumeracha, South Australia on the 7th July 2012.
Royal Household
The Royal Household included gentles from all over the Kingdom, including:
- Countess Siban ingen Robartaig (Chamberlain)
- Mistress Antonia di Lorenz (Royal Scribe)
- Bryce of Arrowsreach (Royal Artificer)
- Mistress Rohese de Fairhurst
- Lady Ragnhildr Freysteinndottir
- Mistress Alexous of Uri
- Sir Jon Dai of the Lane
- Lord Clement von Arlon
- Lord Magnus Thorsbjornson
- Baron Wulfwine Grimwald
King’s Guard
- Lord Blethyn ap Gryffyd
- Lady Ailis inghean Mheadhbha
- Dame Miriam Galbraith
- Lord Waldo Turner
- Sir Thorolfr olfuss Brandsson
Queen’s Guard
- Sir Nathan Blacktower (Queen’s Champion)
- Lord Hadrian L’Estrelle
- Lord Andrew Daniels
- Lord Bryce of Arrowsreach

Reign Theme and Theatre
The style of Their reign was that of an uneasy alliance between the Anglo Saxon King and the Norse Queen. Much of the wars and Court theatre revolved around the breaking down of this uneasy alliance. This ‘story’ behind the Reign was outlined to the Populace by Prince Siridean and Princess Margie the day before they took the throne:
The Saxon Kingdom has long suffered from raids from the Viking Kingdom and Their Majesties have charged the Prince of the Southern Domain to find a
solution so that the Kingdom may know peace. The solution is to merge the
Saxon House of Lachlan with the Viking House of Glen More; the union seems
simple enough, a Saxon Prince and a Viking Princess. However, this union
will mean that the Lord of Lachlan and the Lady of Glen More must set aside
personal claims in their houses to serve the greater good of the Kingdom.This will work for a time, but you will note that during the reign Siridean
will salute the Queen and his Lady and child that he had to forsake to take
the Crown. You will see Margie have questionable contact with her Knights
Counselor who happens to be her ‘former’ lover. Rumors will be spread,
letters send to Pegasus, etc., and it will all come to a head a festival
where the Kingdom will be split and must declare for the House Lachlan
(Blue, Gold and White) or House Glen More (Green and White).Siridean and Margie ask the Baronies, Cantons, Shires, Colleges,
Households, Noble Free men and women) be ready with Banners to declare for one side of the other at Rowany Festival. This rift will be pit kinsmen
against kinsmen and will only be resolved when an heir is chosen….but
there is sure to be as issue or two before the final resolution at
Countess Margie of Glen More reflects that her favourite things about this Reign were that she found the theatre of the Courts, and the way that the populace really got involved in the story, entertaining and memorable.

Five Stars of the Southern Cross
Three months into Their Reign, Their Majesties did make the following proclamation that labelled five regions as Stars of Lochac that were to carry five different banners to war:
Greetings Fair People of Lochac,
Our Kingdom of Lochac consists of large swaths of land and wide seas with green islands. Each area having its own unique landscaes, cultures, customs and dreams … yet the people of this land all stand united under the Lochac banner and Her Southern Cross. Ever present in our night sky, the Southern cross have 5 stars and so too does the Kingdom of Lochac have five shining stars! Since man first look tot he heavens the stars have been used to aide in finding ones way and so too would We, the Crown of Lochac, name the 5 starts of Lochac to aid in the navigation of Our Kingdom.
- The Crescent Isles shall represent the alnds the island natives call New Zealand
- The Northern Reaches shall consist of lands known as Queensland
- The Central Marches shall be comprised of the mundane state of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
- The Southern Domain shall be the combined areas of South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria (Bordescross is in the Southern Domain)
- The Western Shores will be the namesake for Western Australia
We did make this proclamation in Our Coronation Court in the Shire of Dragons Bay on the western Shores and did display the 5 banners representing each of the Stars of Lochac. We would ask that the names outlined aboe are used during Our Reign.
We would like to further state that this is meant to enhance game play by providing some rallying points, names and banners as the story line for Our Reign unfolds. We hope that each of the Stars of Lochac will be able to use these to generate themes for events over the next several months. We plan to have the banners flown at all events We attend and possibly lead armies into battle! So we encourage everyone to have fun with this and take it in the light hearted manner in which it is meant.
Below you will find a representation of the banners.
Kind Regards,
Siridean and Margie
20th Crown of Lochac
House Lachlan and Glen More

Notable historic occurrences
Almost immediately after stepping up, Siridean II and Margie I announced that the May Crown Tournament AS47 would be fought without the use of shields. Entrants could use any weapons/defence forms that complied with the Lochac Fighter’s Handbook, providing no shield was included – and it was the first Crown Tournament of this kind in Lochac’s Kingdom History. By announcing Their intentions early, it allowed prospective entrants to start training with these unusual stipulations in mind.

Events Attended
Their Majesties itinerary of travel during Their Reign is recorded on the Lochac website under the Ruling History of Lochac section.