This page documents the reigns of the Royalty of Lochac.
Kings and Queens
Lochac became a Kingdom on 6 July 2002 and has been governed by her own Kings and Queens since this time. There are two reigns per year, with coronations occurring at Twelfth Night in January and Midwinter in July.
28. Gilbert Purchase I and Bethony Gaitskell I

27. Steffan Glaube I and Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas I

26. Kinggiyadai Ba’atur I and Altani Khaligu I

Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, January 2015
25. Niáll inn Orkneyski II and Liadan ingen Fheradaig II

Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
24. Alfar of Attica III and Angharat Benbras I

Source: photo by Duchess Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora April 2014
23. Niall inn Orkneyski I and Liadan ingen Fheradaig I

Photo by Yaroslava Solovei, 2013.
22. Felix Arnett von Danzig I and Eva von Danzig I

Photo by Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2013
21. Henri de Montferrant and Beatrice Maria Malatesta

Photo by Lady Ceara Shionnach, November 2012
20. Siridean MacLachlan II and Margie of Glen More

Photo provided by Mistress Margie of Glen More.
19. Cornelius von Becke III and Elizabeth de Foxle I

Photo from Lochac Kingdom website
18. Gabriel de Beaumont II and Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora II

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
17. Edmund of Shotley and Leonore de Scotia

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
16. Bran na torcdubh mac Brude and Lilya Bint Hizir

15. Gabriel de Beaumont I and Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
14. Theuderic Batavii I and Engelin Teufel I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
13. Siridean MacLoughlin II and Siban ingen Robartaig I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
12. Berenger of Nancy I and Bethan Daniels of Brockwood I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
11. Hugh the Little I and Theresa Cummins I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
10. Alfar of Attica II and Gudrun Bodvarsdottir II

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
9. Draco of Jorvik II and Asa Beiskalda II

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
8. Ædward Stadefæste II and Yolande Kesteven II

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
7. Cornelius von Becke II and Morwynna Branwynt II

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
6. Stephen Aldred I and Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot I

Photo sourced from Mistress Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot.
5. Draco of Jorvik I and Asa Beiskalda I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
4. Ædward Stadefæste I and Yolande Kesteven I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
3. Alaric of Bangor I and Nerissa de Saye I

2. Cornelius von Becke I and Morwynna Branwynt I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
1. Alfar of Attica I and Gudrun Bodvarsdottir I

Photo from the Lochac Kingdom website
Princes and Princesses
Before Lochac was a Kingdom, she was a Principality of the West Kingdom. The Princes and Princesses governed Lochac on behalf of the Kings and Queens of the West between 11 July 1987 and 6 July 2002.
36. Gawyne d’Ibelin and Yve d’Angely

35. Alfar of Attica and Liadan ingen Murchada

34. Gui von Oberhausen and Ælfled æt Otreburne

Photo sources from Viscount Gui, taken 13th January 2001.
33. Boris Altdorfer and Constance von Rothenberg
32. Cornelius von Becke and Morwynna Branwynt
31. Ædward Stadefæste and Yolande Kesteven

30. Vladimir Ivanovich Kurgan and Huraiwa

29. Alfar of Attica and Gudrun Bodvarsdottir

28. Boris Altdorfer and Constance von Rothenberg

27. Ragnar Magnússon and Bliss of Teine
26. Corin Anderson and Keridwen the Mouse

25. Alaric of Bangor and Nerissa de Saye

24. Alfar of Attica and Gudrun Bodvarsdottir
23. Cornelius von Becke and Morwynna Branwynt
22. Finnian the Red and Lucrezia Lorenz

21. Peter du Gant Noir and Muirghein ni Ghrainne

20. Alfar of Attica and Huguete de Saint Germain
19. Bran of Lochiel I and Cairistiona nic Bheathain I

Photo supplied by Viscountess Cairistiona.
18. Cornelius von Becke and Morwynna Branwynt
17. Corin Anderson and Keridwen the Mouse

16. Alfar of Attica and Susannah of Nottingham
15. Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands and Catherine Digby of Sherbourne

Photo by Baron Karl Faustus von Aachen 1993
14. John of Skye and Gabriel of Greenwood
13. Aylwin Greymane and Ingerith Ryzka

12. Gerald Swinford and Alisaundre de Kilmaron
11. Elffin of Mona and Rowan Perigrynne

10. Kane Greymane and Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada

9. Reynardine de Clifford and Elayne Montjoy

8. Elffin of Mona and Keridwen the Mouse

7. Haos Windchaser and Bryony Beehyrd

6. Elffin of Mona and Rowan Perigrynne

5. Styvyn Longshanks and Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat

4. Valerian Zakharevitch Druzhinnik and Rowena of Loxton

3. Corin Anderson and Gabriella della Santa Croce

2. Elffin of Mona and Talietha of Bran-Innes
1. Reynardine de Clifford and Eleanor Lyttellhayles

Viceroys and Vicerines
Before Lochac was a Principality, she was a Crown Principality of the West. The Viceroys and Vicerines governed Lochac on behalf of the Kings and Queens of the West Kingdom between 5 January 1985 and 11 July 1987.
5. Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands II and Catherine Digby of Sherbourne

4. Reynardine de Clifford and Marguerité de Rada y Silva

3. Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands I and Alarice Beatrix von Tal
2. Hugh Louis and Merewyn degli Fiore
1. James the Sinister and Olwyn Gwallt Coch