On Saturday 7th of November 2015, Lohcac’s November Crown Tournament ASL was held in the Shire of Dismal Fogs with Lord Gilbert Purchase victorious on behalf of his love and inspiration Lady Bethony Gaitskell. Lord Gilbert was the first member from the Barony of Krae Glas to win a Lochac Crown Tournament, and the first in Lochac to win using florentine swords.

During Twelfth Night AS50, which was held in January 2016 during Canterbury Faire in the Barony of Southron Gaard, Gilbert and Bethony were crowned the 28th King and Queen of Lochac.

Their Reign began styled in the clothing and culture of the Hedeby/Haithabu period (Danish, 10th century), and the theme of the Reign are the Norse moving south to join the Varangian Guard. They will end their Reign wearing Byzantine clothing.
Royal Household
Chamberlain: Duchess Liadan ingen Fheradaig
Peer Counsellors:
- Knight: Sir Lucas von Aych
- Pelican and Laurel: Baroness Mistress Elspeth Caerwent
- Defence: Master Sir William Flammenherz
- Rose: Countess Engelin Teufel
Mistresses of the Wardrobe: Mistress Heilwich Gheerts and The Honourable Baroness Ailis inghean Mheadhbha
Protocol Adviser and Royal Herald: Jarl Sir Niall inn Orkneyski
Royal Scribe: Lady Marared coed Radnor
Skapari (Old Norse for shaper/creator): Lord Thorgrim Dvergr
Royal Gamesman: Lord William de Perham
Skrifakona (Old Norse for writer/documenter): The Honourable Baroness Ceara Shionnach
Ladies in Waiting
- Head Lady in Waiting: The Honourable Baroness Ailis inghean Mheadhbha (assisted by Countess Engelin Teufel)
- Lady Vienna Maria della Rosa
- Lady Ysabel Norrice
- Lady Philipa Wildefuhel
- Seana
Kings Huskarls (Guard)
- Captain: BaronSir ThorolfR Olfuss Brandsson
- Jarl Sir Njal inn Orkneyski
- Duchess Liadan ingen Fheradaig
- Count Sir Theuderic
- Viscount Vladimir Ivanovich Kurgan
- Master Sir Orri Vígleiksson
- Sir Wulfgar Jarnsiða
- Sir Blethyn ap Gryffyd
- Sir Lucas von Aych
- Lord Valdemar Sigurdson
- Lord Nikolai of Stormhold
- Lord Boyd Wulfrum
- Lord Finnbjorn Skeggison
- Lord Ludowicus zum Schwarzen Phoenix
Queens Guard
- Captain: Countess Engelin Teufel
- Champion: Lord Benedict of York
- The Honourable Baroness Ailis inghean Mheadhbha (heavy combat)
- Lady Aia (heavy combat)
- Lord Faruif Bernerson (heavy combat)
- Lady Asny in Draumspaka (heavy combat)
- Lord Dallán ua Lorccáin (heavy combat)
- Inga (heavy combat)
- Mistress Alexous of Uri (rapier)
- Master Wulfwine of Grimwald (rapier)
- Don Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye (rapier)
- Baron Leif Magnusson (rapier)
- Lady Edine Godin (rapier)
- Lady Elizabeth LaChatte (rapier)
- Lady Merione French (rapier)
- Lady Ida Noe (archery)
Reign Progress
The story of Gilbert I and Bethony I’s Reign began with them dressed in clothing from Hedeby/Haithabu period (Danish, 10th century). Their Huskarls and Royal Household dressed in the livery of cross-over coats and apron dresses. The Huskarls (Guard) often held spears/axes and stood around Courts to visually guard the Crown.
As the Reign progresses, the Crown are incorporating more Byzantine elements in Their clothing as they travel around the Kingdom (towards the Varingian Guard, whose job it was to protect the Byzantine Emporer).
The award ceremonies used throughout the Reign were those rewritten to incorporate elements of Norse sagas/mythology, and are available to read under Kingdom Awards on Memories of Lochac.
During May Crown AS51, Their Majesties witnessed combat between 16 of Lochac’s fighters, and appointed Their Heirs as Crown Prince ThorolfR olfuss Brandsson and Crown Princess Halla Vinagjafar Hrafnsdottir.

Events attended during the reign
- Twelfth Night at Canterbury Faire in Southron Gaard, 16 Jan 2016
- Chess Challenge VII in Stormhold, 13 Feb 2016
- Border War XVII in Bordescros, 26-28 Feb 2016
- Rowany Festival AS50 in Rowany, 24-28 Mar 2016
- Beer, Blood and Sand in Burnfield, 9-10 April 2016
- May Crown AS51 in Krae Glas, 6-8 May 2016