Laurel Prize is an Arts and Sciences exhibition that runs every year at Rowany Festival. Laurel Prize is open for all to enter and it does not require pre-registration; entrants show up at the designated time and place (as advertised on the Rowany Festival timetable), pick a table and set up an item (or many items) that they wish to display. The item/s can be works in progress, and entrants often bring source material, documentation and/or references with them to aid their discussion/presentation.

Entrants receive feedback from members of the Order of the Laurel and from the general populace. Some Laurels like to give small tokens of appreciation to those whose work they like most. These tokens often take many forms, including beads, pewter trinkets, ceramics and hat pins. This is not a competition, and is not judged in a formal manner and, as such, there are no score sheets or
written critiques.

Photo provided by Master Crispin Sexi.
Laurels chat to the exhibitors, encourage them to talk about how their projects started and where they got their inspiration, suggest other people they could talk to, explain how to do difficult bits or pass on special tricks they’ve learned, and learn lots of things they didn’t know.
At Rowany Festival AS47 (2013) there were approximately 23 entrants, and at Rowany Festival AS48 (2014) there were approximately 28 entrants.