At Great Northern War AS 49, and with the words “we hear that Winter is coming, and that you are leaving us for it….”, Alfar III and Angharat I appointed The Honourable Lady Christine Bess Duvaunt the official Lochacian Ambassador to Drachenwald. Prior to this, Baron Lachlan Bradoc held the position for around two decades.
This page documents THL Christine’s recount, dated 7 October 2015 (AS 50), of her time spent in this position:
I asked for my own ship to sail there, but was told that there were none spare and that it would take too long to get to where I needed to with the current Reign’s vessels.
My first official greetings to the Drachenwald King and Queen and the Prince and Princess of Insulae Draconis was at Coronet, a very odd occasion for someone used to Crown tournaments as the Principality is fought for and crowned on the same day in Insulae Draconis.
A few weeks previous to the event, the current crown at the time, Niall II and Liadan II and I had been in consultation as to what to present the King and Queen of Drachenwald and the incoming Prince and Princess – Duke Elffin O’Mona and Duchessa Alessandra Melusine – in Court.
I discussed this with my friend Viscountess Suzannah of York and amongst other things she suggested illuminated scrolls, as I had never done any before it was a bit daunting, but my other good friend Mistress Melisende Fitzwalter when hearing this, offered her scriptorium as a base for the work and with her guidance, two scrolls were produced as largess for the deed. Her Royal Highness Liadan sent me words to inscribe on the scrolls, and with that it was done.

There were words of friendship spoken in court on both sides, and the missive that should Lochac need Drachenwald for anything, they would be there, that friendship and support were in full, and they would stand by our Kingdom’s side.
The same weekend as this was taking place in Glen Rathlin (in Bangor – near Belfast, Northern Ireland), St Catherine’s Faire was hosting the Royals in Ildhafn. I sent word to my King and Queen through many pigeons, of my dealings with my new temporary home the letter read as follows:
“Your Majesties, your Highnesses and my fellow populous of Lochac,
it is with great pleasure and servitude that I write to you from the Kingdom of Drachenwald. It gives me great pride to know that this missive will be received within my home Barony by your Majesties.
I left Lochac without knowledge of what I would encounter on this journey, and it does me good cheer to be able to report to you that the populous of Lough Devnaree and Drachenwald have been kind, warm, inviting and full of amazing tales and deeds that they rival such as we perform within our own Kingdom.
The journey over was fraught with hardships and fascination. I had petitioned your predecessors for a ship of my own, for no other reason in my heart but to sail direct to my destination, but alas none could be spared at the time. Perhaps if I had been granted this Boone, the words that I write might have been different, as it is now that I must inform those who may take this news back to our cousins in Southron Gaard, that we were indeed attacked by the Great Kraken – akin to that which was destroyed two years ago.
We must all be weary for I would not wish to be ever be confronted by such monstrous glory again. My garments ruined, my chest destroyed, I found myself with little when I landed on these shores.
It is glad tiding that I found employment with a tailor, giving me access to the necessary tools needed to clothe myself in a way that I could represent your Majesties as your appointed Ambassador in front of the Crown of Drachenwald.
The populous here are a delightful whimsy of familiar yet odd custom. Their uses of the word ‘wee’ as a diminutive to almost any noun is amusement in itself. When recently asked about an animal – this reply was given “it is a big wee horse, a bit small though” – that I will leave you to ponder on.
I am glad to report also that the scrolls were delivered safely into the Prince and Princess and the King and Queen’s direct hand, and that they return the bonds of friendship and respect, and say that if you should need anything – they will be willing to offer it gladly. The bonds of our two great Kingdoms have been strengthened and hold fast in this changing world by these actions.
As always, Yours in Service
Your Ambassador
Christine Bess Duvaunt.”
His Majesty later told me that this did make him laugh at court and that it was well received.
The following year when I returned to Lochac’s shores, I asked to speak at court at Rowany Festival, and presented the then King and Queen – Kinggiyadai I and Altani I with a gift from the Royals of Drachenwald, who had been informed of and were happy with the chosen gifts to be presented that I had collected whilst on my travels.
The minted coins from the Shire of Eplaheimr in Insulae Draconis, done by the hand of Brian the Courteous, the Printing press stamps of the crown (found on the Lochac flag) and the rose representing the Queen, and the lampwork beads in Lochac colours donated by Caitriona of the Ravens (of Glen Rathlin), were given in leather pouches as a keep sake for their Majesties, with the words of friendship and love spoken to me at Coronet the previous year passed on in Court.
I asked if I may remain Ambassador, and I was granted the honour.
In the 50th Year, our King and Queen – Steffan Glaube I and Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas – and I were at Pennsic War 44 with the King and Queen of Drachenwald, and I once again greeted the Prince and Princess of Insulae Draconis at Raglan with official words of friendship on behalf of Lochac.
In my seven months on the shores of Drachenwald, I spent time in the Shires Glen Rathlin, Eplaheimr, Dun in Mara, and Thamesreach. I attended 6 events in Insulae Draconis, and one Drachenwald Kingdom event. I was overwhelmed by the acceptance I received and the long standing friendships I have made.
I will return to Drachenwald in the 51st year to the court of Insulae Draconis and Drachenwald, and I look forward to more interactions and the strengthening of the bonds of our two great Kingdoms.
The populous in both Kingdoms have wonderful gifts to offer, in service, the arts and sciences and in martial prowess. Acting as a bridge between the two has been my upmost pleasure and joy, and my deepest wish is that more of the populous of the two Kingdoms should meet so that they may know the creativity and beauty that I have witnessed.