Boars Head Theatre was first run at Rowany Festival in 2009 by Mistress Bethan Daniels of Brockwood, inspired by the Half-Circle Theatre held at Canterbury Faire. It is hosted by the Tavern, and it fills the Tavern tent with an eager audience each and every year.

Photo by Lady Dragana Rozsa, April 2013
Mistress Bethan has since run Boar’s Head Theatre from 2009 to 2013, and had Mistress Margie of Glen More run it in her stead in 2014 at Festival AS48.
The Boar’s Head Theatre is essentially a variety night, where people who want to, perform to a packed Tavern. It’s usually about 20 performances, and lasts about 2 hours. It’s a great end to a great event! We’ve seen singing, short plays, instrumental pieces, poems, acrobatics, juggling, stand-up comedy, magic, and clowning. Some of the acts are period, some are inspired by period practice and some are straight up filk. Either way, the acts are certainly entertaining.
The theatre is traditionally advertised at the event some time during a court, and by flyers that are usually taped in the portaloos.
International visitors have noted to Mistress Bethan that they loved the Boars Head Theatre, and that it’s as good (if not better) than such entertainment held in U.S. branches of the SCA.
Run Sheet, Festival 2009
As performed on the final Monday night of Festival AS43.
- Llewen – Miracle
- Odonata Childrens’ shadow puppet show (lit behind a sheet)
- Tamaly Hovenga
- Geoffrey of Exeter – Parcel of Rogues
- Feldegast the Fool
- Gilligan – Twa Corbies
- The Frankish Song
- Ada and ‘Ducky’ – Acrobatic act, also hula hoops
- Llewen – Squires
- O something mia – Declan
- In Dulci – Hoyda?
- Jochen Schwalbe
- Crowbarr fragmented filks
- Bethan – Foxy Song
Lord of the Rings, the musical, part 1 was performed after the Boars Head Theatre closed by Vandel, Bethan, Ailis and Nell. Run sheet
Run Sheet – Festival 2011
As performed on the final Monday night of Festival AS45.
- Llewen – MiracleBethan – Foxy Song
- Head on a Stick players (Rowan and Nicodemus) present – The Peerless Pearl
- Paddy – heraldic sonnet
- Tavern Band – Santa Maria
- Carinne from Darton – song
- Aoife – story
- Ailis – song
- Declan – Pastime
- Angele – The Queen and the Soldier
- In Dulci – England be Glad; Come Sirrah Jack Ho
- Maelmuire – The Battle of Hastings (poem)
- Crispin – Shepherd Lad
- Geoffrey of Exeter – Carols
- Ailis – song
- Paddy – something whimsical
- Lyssa – Songs of the West
- Courtain – Long Black Veil
- Skarpethin – Chaucer-style poem (Bill Bailey)
- Bart the Blaggard – Two Brothers
- Antonia – I care not for these ladies
- Ilona – Knowne World (filk)
- Llewen – Squires Song
- Bethan – The Foxy Song
Run Sheet – Festival 2014
As performed on the final Tuesday night of Festival AS48.
- Mistress Rowan and Nicodemus for their puppet play – the cautionary tale of Cinderoger. (Nicodemus’ incitement to all to raise their cups when lines were forgotten carried through the whole evening’s performances).
- Alexander de la Fontayne – the Battle Hymn of the Heralds
- Elisabet – a poem – Lady of the Grove.
- Ilona – the Squire song
- Caitlin Dai and Thomas van der Hove – The Story of the Great Fruit.
- Angel – The Queen and the Soldier
- Declan – Sainte Marie – 850 yr old English song
- Blod – The Story of a Prick. Reminiscing on 20 years ago and the effect of simple comments on a newcomer, including a presentation to Sir Brusi.
- Anna Felice Taverstock – Song of the Men’s Side
- Countess Liadan – On Crusade With You. A love poem with a twist.
- Antonio – a short version of Spanish Ladies, a sea shanty
- Lyssa llewn’s Daughter – The Last One Off. A poem by Master Snorri
- Tatiana – Lark in the Morning
- Master Paddy- A Scandinavian Saga, I do not like them Sven I am!
- Caitlin Dai – Tavern’s Mead
- Katherine and Bartholomew – Shakespeare sonnet 40
- Master Paddy – The Flame Tree Sonnet
- The Attican Squire Choir
- Macbeth in 32 Seconds – directed by Margie, joined by Witches (Helouys, Elayne, Katherine Kerr), King Duncan (Wulf ), Lady Macbeth (Helene du Puy), Macbeth (Master Ruslan from the Kingdom of the East), Banquo (Batholomew Baskin), McDuff (Paddy), McDuff’s son (Thomas van der Hove)
- Blessed Herman – Skeggy, Where’s Ya Trewsers?