From the 17th to 26th of June, the SCA celebrated its 50th birthday in the Middle Kingdom at a fairground in Danville, Indiana, USA. There were 2,228 people in attendance, with every one of the 20 Kingdoms of the Known Worlde represented in some capacity. It was a special event that showcased most aspects of the SCA throughout history. There were multitudes of activities, from equestrian (chariot races and games, archery by horseback, jousting, etc), to archery, to thrown weapons, to crossbows, to heavy combat, to fencing, to Arts and Sciences (displays, classes, and bardic and performing arts).
Opening Ceremonies and Event Videos
On Sunday the 19th of June 2016, Opening Ceremonies were held to officially kick off the 50 year anniversary celebrations. These, along with many performances and interviews, were video recorded. Some of these can be viewed on Elashava’s youtube channel.
Lochac’s History Display
Four emissaries from Lochac represented the Kingdom in person by delivering, setting up, manning, and taking down a display of Lochac’s history – Viscountess Mistress Rowan Perigrynne, Baron Sir Callum Macleod, The Honourable Baroness Ceara Shionnach, and Lady Adeliz Fergusson.

Many historical items were displayed, including (but not limited to):
- Linneage scrolls of the Royalty and Peers of Lochac,
- Items created by Lochac’s Worshipful Company of Broiderers: the Pelican Cloak, the Laurel Cloak, and the WCoB banner,
- Lochac’s first Sword of State,
- The banner from the Pen Gwynne War,
- Stained-glass style banners from the event where the Crescent Isles joined Lochac in 2003,
- An illuminated Book of Deeds by Mistress Muirghein ni Ghrainne,
- The first Lochac banner,
- The Crown of the Kingdom of Cumberland,
- The second Baronial Coronet of the Barony of Rowany,
- The Great Kingdom Shopping Expedition scrolls,
- Various tokens of Lochac’s Kingdom Awards,
- A digital photo frame displaying images of Lochac’s Royalty,
- Photocopies of all copies of Runes, the first newsletter pre-Lochac,
- One of the two metal helms first used in Lochac, and
- The scroll of Lochac’s First Crown Tournament (entrants and results).
Lochac’s Written History
Three versions of Lochac’s history were written by The Honourable Baroness Ceara Shionnach and edited by Countess Mistress Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot, Count Sir Stephen Aldred, Baron Master Hrölf Herjölfssen, Viscountess Mistress Ingerith Ryzka, Lord Niccodemus Novello, and Duchess Liadan ingen Fheredaig; a 10,000 word and 2 page summary for the Known Worlde history publications and a 20,000 word version for Lochac’s history. These histories can be read online in PDF form:
- Lochac Short History Summary for 50 Year
- Lochacs-History-final-longer-version
- Lochacs-History-final-50-year-submission
Three copies of Lohcac’s 20,000 word history were typeset and printed by Mistress Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage, and leather-bound and gilt by Baroness Isabell Winter. One copy is kept by the Lochac historian, and two copies were taken to the SCA 50 Year Celebrations and presented in Courts to Lochac’s parent Kingdom’s of the West and Caid.

Principality and Kingdom lineages of Royalty and Peers
Mistress Branwen, Provost of Scribes, and her team of talented artists who illuminated, scribed, and leather worked the Principality and Kingdom lineages of Royalty and Peers. The design was created in a 14th century English style, and is current to 1 May 2015 (i.e. up to the creation of the first three Masters of Defence).

Mistress Branwen designed, calligraphed, and leather worked the scrolls. Dede Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani was the technical support, painted some of the arms, helped build the roll, and contributed to the leather work. Catherine d’Arc, Leonie de Grey, Hadrian Listrelle, Ydeneya Ballincourt, Ilaria da Vale, and Slaine inghean Uic Ruadhain contributed to the painting of arms.
Lochac Music
Mistress Bethan Daniels of Brockwood ran a poll of Lochac’s favourite songs that were either about Lochac, written in Lochac, or popular in Lochac. These songs were used for many purposes – the SCA 50 Songs performance, a Kingdoms Anthem performance, and as periodic background music during the History Display.
Baroness Ann de Tournai assisted Mistress Bethan in obtaining recordings of a collection of some of these songs for the SCA 50 Year Celebrations.
Lochac Banner
A large silk banner (1.4m wide by 2.3m long) was designed by Baroness Sir Eva von Danzig, inspired by the style of the 15th-16th South Netherlandish Tapestry with Armorial Bearings and Badges of John, Lord Dynham, as displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The banner itself was created by The Honourable Elizabet Hunter and took approximately 80 hours of work to create.

Lochac Arrows
Lord Wintherus Alban created six Lochac-fletched arrows; three combat arrows as examples of how we do things differently in Lochac, and three sharp flu-flus for gifts to our parent Kingdoms of the West and Caid, and to the host Kingdom of the Middle.

Royal Missives
To the Kingdom of the West
Today, there was a short court held in West Kingdom where Lochac made a presentation and proclaimed the following:
“Heil og sæl and a Happy 50th Birthday to our dear parent Kingdom of the West. Unto Our Royal Cousins and the nobles, peers, and populace of the West Kingdom do We, King Gilbert Purchase and Queen Bethony Gaitskell, send Our warmest greetings.
Alas, We are not able to make the journey to Midrealm at this time, but we send in Our stead Our Ambassador The Honourable Baroness Ceara Shionnach to deliver Our words and gifts to You.
As the SCA celebrates its 50th anniversary, it prompts us all to reflect on the numerous and unique journeys that have collectively made our Society. One of the particularly unique attributes of Our Kingdom is that we were born of two parents: the Kingdoms of the West and Caid. Whilst we have grown into our own traditions, many members of Our populace maintain ties with You and Your Kingdom, and Our culture continues to be influenced by this to this day.
At the time of this anniversary, it has been 31 years since Terra Rosa (Australia) first joined the SCA as a Crown Principality of the Your lands. Under your wing, Lochac prospered and grew into a fully-fledged Principality, and then a Kingdom in its own right. In July of this year, Lochac will be celebrating her 14th birthday as a Kingdom. Thank you for the role your Kingdom has played in shaping Our lands and Our people.
In honour of Our shared history, and as a token of Our fondest esteem, We have prepared a copy of Lochac’s history for You, written by Baroness Ceara, typeset by Mistress Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage, and leather-bound by The Honourable Baroness Isabel de Winter.
We also present an arrow made by Our subject Lord Wintherus Alban in Lochac colours. It is a symbol representing that, though We may live far from the West Kingdom, We would fly to your side as true as an arrow to aid You if Your need was great.
Lastly, We present a bunch of iconic goodies from Our Lands for you to enjoy.
We hope it finds You well, and that Our Kingdoms continue Our shared history into the next 50 years and beyond.
Yours in service to Lochac,
Gilbert I and Bethony I
28th King and Queen of Lochac”

To the Kingdom of Caid
This evening, Baron Sir Callum and I attended Caid Court to make a presentation to Conrad III and A’isha II.
“Heil og sæl and a Happy 50th Birthday to our dear parent Kingdom of Caid. Unto Our Royal Cousins and the nobles, peers, and populace of the West Kingdom do We, King Gilbert Purchase and Queen Bethony Gaitskell, send Our warmest greetings.
Alas, We are not able to make the journey to Midrealm at this time, but we send in Our stead Our Ambassador The Honourable Baroness Ceara Shionnach to deliver Our words and gifts to You.
As the SCA celebrates its 50th anniversary, it prompts us all to reflect on the numerous and unique journeys that have collectively made our Society. One of the particularly unique attributes of Our Kingdom is that we were born of two parents: the Kingdoms of the West and Caid. Whilst we have grown into our own traditions, many members of Our populace maintain ties with You and Your Kingdom, and Our culture continues to be influenced by this to this day.
At the time of this anniversary, it has been 33 years since Caid took on its first fledgling Crescent Isles (New Zealand) group and 13 years since the Crescent Isles left Your care to join Terra Rosa (Australia) to create the Kingdom of Lochac.
In July of this year, Lochac will be celebrating her 14th birthday as a Kingdom. Thank you for the role your Kingdom has played in shaping Our lands and Our people.
In honour of Our shared history, and as a token of Our fondest esteem, We have prepared a copy of Lochac’s history for You, written by Baroness Ceara, typeset by Mistress Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage, and leather-bound by The Honourable Baroness Isabel de Winter.
We also present an arrow made by Our subject Lord Wintherus Alban in Lochac colours. It is a symbol representing that, though We may live far from Caid, We would fly to your side as true as an arrow to aid You if Your need was great.
Lastly, We present a bunch of iconic goodies from Our Lands for you to enjoy.
We hope it finds You well, and that Our Kingdoms continue Our shared history into the next 50 years and beyond.
Yours in service to Lochac,
Gilbert I and Bethony I
28th King and Queen of Lochac”

To the Kingdom of the Middle
A missive and gifts from Lochac were presented to the King and Queen of the Midrealm – Cameron and Amalie.
“Unto Our Royal Cousins and the nobles, peers, and populace of the Midrealm do We, King Gilbert Purchase and Queen Bethony Gaitskell, send Our warmest greetings.
Alas, We are not able to make the journey to Midrealm at this time, but we send in Our stead Our Ambassador The Honourable Baroness Ceara Shionnach to deliver Our words and gifts to You.
This single arrow, fletched in Lochac colours and nock carved by Our subject Wintherus Alban, symbolises defense and protection from harm. May it aid You in the protection of your Kingdom for years to come.
As further token of Our esteem and gratitude, please accept these gifts from Us – they are a bunch of iconic goodies from Our Lands for You to enjoy.
We are greatly appreciative of the great efforts You and Your populace have contributed to celebrating this momentous occasion, and facilitating the 20 Kingdoms of the Knowne Worlde to celebrate it together.
Heil og sæl and a Happy 50th Birthday you all.
Yours in service to Lochac,
Gilbert I and Bethony I
28th King and Queen of Lochac”

Lochac’s Representation in the 50 Known Worlde Artisans Display
There were also four artisans who represented Lochac from afar in the Known Worlde Arts and Sciences display – Master Bartolomeo Agazzari, Master Drake Morgan, Mistress Kiriel Papillon, and Master Giles de Roet.