Note: There is a Lochac at Pennsic yahoo/email list that any Lochacians considering going to Pennsic are encouraged to join. The Lochac campsite is co-ordinated through this medium. There is also a Lochac at Pennsic facebook group.
Pennsic War is a two week long event held around July-August each year at Coopers Lake in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, USA. It easily reaches ten to fourteen thousand attendees throughout the event. The first week is often referred to as ‘party week’ with the SCA opening court occuring at the start of the second week.

The war itself is held between the Mid Realm and allies and the East Kingdom and allies. Lochac often aligns with the West Kingdom in the war.

The first known appearance of Lochacians at Pennsic War was at Pennsic 19, which ran from 4-19 August, 1990 (AS 25). A newly knighted Sir Elffin of Mona and the young squire of Sir Bran of Lochiel – Gregory of Loch Swan – stayed with the event autocrats Duke Gavin and Duchess Sedalia of the Clan Kilkenny. Sir Gregory of Lochac Swan has written a recount of this event: Pennsic 19 – The Voyage of Discovery.

Since 1990, Lochac has often been represented at the event. As attendance continued, Lochac eventually grew to have her own campsite beside Clan Kilkenny and in Mrs Cooper’s front yard (the site owner).

Over the years, Lochac has also been represented by several Crowns and landed Barons and Baronesses at the event. The largest attendance to date of 78 Australians and New Zealanders was observed at Pennsic War 44 (2015, AS 50) and the second largest attendance of around 52 Australians and New Zealands camping in the Lochac Kingdom encampment in 2013 (AS 48, Pennsic 42).

The Lochac encampment is co-ordinated by Americans who camp with Lochac, including several from the West Kingdom and squires of Sir Gregory of Loch Swan. The co-ordination occurs on a mailing list called Lochac at Pennsic, which you are encouraged to join if you are from Lochac and are considering attending Pennsic War.