Almost seventy attended Inter-College War 19 (ICW 19) over the weekend of 11-13 July 2014. The event was hosted by the College of St Ursula at Glenfield Scout Activity Centre, Sydney, NSW and it was stewarded by Sigvald Sviðanda.
St Ursulan force at Inter-College War 19. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
Colleges were represented from nearby and from as far away as the Baronies of Aneala and Innilgard. The colleges in attendance included:
St Aldhelm (Al)
St Andronicus (An)
St Basil the Great (Ba)
Blessed Herman the Cripple (He)
St Malachy (Ma)
St Ursula (Ur)
There were also numerous non-collegians (NC) who contributed to, and participated in, the various parts of the event.
Overall Results
The overall victors of ICW 19 were the home team of the College of St Ursula. The victors were presented with the Sword of Knowledge – the perpetual ICW trophy – by the previous victors, St Andronicus.
Points were awarded throughout the event for service, arts and sciences and combat. The top scoring colleges for each of these categories were:
Service: St Ursula first, St Basil second
Arts and Sciences: St Ursula first, St Andronicus and Blessed Herman equal second
Combat: St Ursula, then St Basil.
The seneschal of St Andonicus handing the Sword of Knowledge to the seneschal of St Ursula. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
College Rivalries
Perhaps it was the influence of the super moon that shone bright over the weekend event, or perhaps there was something in the water, but the collegians were certainly forthright about their allegiances and rivalries. There were several occasions of moon howling, possibly further powering up the collegians and their allies.
The super-moon that may have been powering up the collegians at ICW 19. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
The feast on Saturday night included court by the Baronage Rowany, Baron Miles de Colwell and Baroness Ameline de Colwell. After court, all chaos ensued when the Sword of Knowledge (i.e. the perpetual ICW trophy) was reported missing by Lord Matthijs Tjepke van der Horst (Ur). Informants reported that it was most likely that the vile Hermanites were responsible for the thievery, given their reputation. When the Hermanites protested indignantly and asked for proof, the Ursulans retorted that it couldn’t have been Andronicans because they weren’t even a real college were they, and the single Aldhelmite couldn’t have gotten up to much on his own, and the Basilisks – they could be anything. The Andronicans joined the argument and it continued until Baron Miles interjected and proposed that they sort it out at war on Sunday and continue the festivities for the night.
Baronage Rowany court. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
After the toasts, it was announced that the Ursulans would meet the combined colleges on the field and more banter was stirred up. Master Pádraig Lowther (Ur) declared that the Hermanites were most vile – that it’s not blood that runs through their veins but a darkened ichor fit only to irrigate the fields of carrots. It became clear that the Ursulans and the Hermanites would remain sworn enemies throughout the event, even though the competitions were really all of the combined colleges rallying against the home town Ursulans.
The event was fully catered, and included two feast nights. Revelry ran riot as the attendees played various card games and table setting jenga.
Table setting jenga was a popular game at the feasts, where the aim was to stack plates/bowls/cups and things from the table into a tower without it falling over. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
Many of the attendees brought brews such as Master Pádraig Lowther’s carrot wine and the Hermanites bringing their carroty brew known as Ursula’s Demise.
Ursula’s demise; a carroty brew made and brought by Innilgardians/Hermanites. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
The Sunday night was a Bob and Kate feast, which encouraged participants to dress in the garb of opposite gender to that they usually wear. Many of the attendees participated in a love letter game where they would write as over-the-top, clichéd letters/poems to someone and have them read it out loud for all to enjoy in mirth.
TH Lord Jean-Katherne at the Bob and Kate feast. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014Bob and Kate feast at ICW 19. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
Heavy Combat
On Saturday, there was a heavy tournament in the morning that consisted of four rounds of an Atlantian Speed Tourney style to determine the semi-finalists. 21 combatants entered the tournament.
The heavy tournament finalists saluting for the college of St Ursula. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
The best of three finals was won by Lord Theodulfus (Ur):
Lord Theodulfus defeated Master Padraig
Master Pádraig defeated Lord Theodulfus
Lord Theodulfus defeated Master Padraig
Cian Insheath Gir (Ur) was awarded points for displaying chivalry, courtesy and bravery during the heavy tournament.
Over Saturday and Sunday there were various games of armoured soccer. The Ursulan Shinbone Kickers were defeated by Bearsilisks United 7 – 5 over the two days.
Armoured soccer match. Photo by Bastian, July 2014
Over the weekend there were also various war scenarios played out. These scenarios were described thusly in the event booklet:
Draugr – One force is designated as the draugr (Norse zombies), which has made a trek very far south to invade the lands of Olympus. Head and body shots are ignored by the draugr – they take limb shots and kills from behind as normal. Each human will have two lives to represent the brave soldiers trying to crush the outbreak before it spreads further.
Escort – A Crescent Isles sheep of great importance is lost in the field! The sheep will only move at a walk, and will follow the closest fighter to it. You must lay a gauntleted hand on the sheep for it to move. If more than one person is holding on to the sheep, it will freeze in terror and not move. Striking the sheep is forbidden and anyone causing the sheep intentional distress will instantly lose the scenario. You must escort your sheep to a designated point to achieve victory. This will be an unlimited resurrection scenario. If the sheep is unattended it will wander back to it’s starting location.
This sheep is the gold haired winged ram of Colchis, and you are attempting to skin it to gain the Golden Fleece!
(Please remember that, scenario rules aside, the sheep is a Marshal and is to be treated as such. Don’t hit the sheep.)
The ‘depressed donkey of St Ursula’. Photo by Bastian, July 2014
Touch of Hades – Hubris strikes. The spirit of the slain ram of the previous scenario stalks the battlefield, laying waste to all worldly nations. It is the king of all sheep, their lord, the template from which all other sheep are wrought. HE IS THE RUINER OF WORLDS.
One marshal will wander the field, unkillable, with even the lightest touch of his weapon slaying the strongest of warriors. If the spirit touches you, including weapons, shield, etc, you are slain.
Ambush! – The defenders start out in a column, with their eyes closed. The attackers position themselves no closer than 10 metres, however they like. At the call of lay on, defenders may open their eyes.
Font of the Gods – There is a font of Ambrosia on the grounds of College War. This will be a 15 minute infinite resurrection battle, with one point scored for each full minute one side holds the font uncontested.
Up and over – The attackers start in the gully. The defenders are at the top of the road out. The attackers win if at least three fighters can break through the defences; otherwise the defenders win.
Trojan Horse – Fort battle. Four attackers start the battle inside the fort, but are not combatants, cannot move and may not be attacked until they activate by clearly and loudly shouting out “Gods and Monsters!”. All attackers must activate at the same time.
Retrieve the Aegis – Zeus has lost his shield somewhere on the battlefield. You must retrieve it and return it to him. Woods battle.
Clash of Heroes – Zeus has blessed one heavy combatant on each side with immortality — they cannot be harmed except by their opposite number, but can be obstructed.
Defend the Parthenon – The fiendish warriors of the Titans are breaking through! Defend the Parthenon until all Olympians are slain. The villains have infinite resurrections. The side that defeats the Olympians fastest is victorious.
Cross the Styx – Ford battle. Those who wade the river lose themselves momentarily, and must fight on their knees until they cross and regain their senses. Archers may move across as normal, since they have paid the toll to Charon.
All scenarios were run twice, and the sides were equalised where possible.
St Ursula and allies holding the stump in war. Photo by Bastian, July 2014
In the afternoon, a bear pit rapier tournament was run by Lord Kit Hackforth (He). This style meant that every combatant fought every other combatant twice (resulting in 24 bouts each), and it lasted for several hours. The overall victor was Jacques Jenkins (Ba), with Don Caleb Adolphus (Ur) and Lord Zaven Zetounsi (Ba) tying for second place.
Raegan of Lunihawk (NC) received points in recognition of her chivalry, courtesy and bravery.
Rapier combatants at ICW 19. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
Arts and Sciences
There were five major categories for the arts and sciences competitions held at the event. These were described as follows:
Metal – From the Forge of Hephaestus
If your item has metal as a part of it then it qualifies for this category. Everything from brooches to your shiniest piece of armour (even if it’s just the rivets), if it includes metal, this is the category for it.
Fabric – Fit to garb Aphrodite Herself
Dresses, hats, tapestries, socks, all things great and small made of cloth may enter.
Consumable – Ambrosia of the Gods
Will it kill a Hermanite if eaten or drunk? No? Congratulations, it’s a consumable! (though you should probably work on it’s potency.)
Entertainment – Inspiration from the Muses
“Taily po, taily po, who’s got my taily po?” Stories, songs, interpretive dance, magic tricks, pranks, if it’s entertaining then it counts. The entries in this category that require performance will be performed at Bardic Circle on Saturday night, non-performances being judged at the same time as the other A&S entries.
Other – Works of Man and Myth
Can’t decide which category your work should enter? Made something so ridiculous that it doesn’t fit in any of the other categories? Have a nice dress and don’t like Aphrodite? Enter it here. See? We told you the categories were broad.
A bardic circle was held on Sunday night, beginning with the entertainment challenge for ICW 19 points. The Baronage Rowany were the judges, and they had 100 points to assign as they wished amongst the ten entrants from various colleges. The entries included short skits, filk, period song, and storytelling. The overall winner was Lord Matthijs Tjepke van der Horst with his highly amusing retelling of a period manuscript detailing one of many stories of Robin Hood.
The toasty fire that was the centre point of the bardic circle at ICW 19. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
There were many arts and sciences classes on offer at ICW 19. The classes and teaches were as follows:
Mistress Filippa’s hands-on teaching of period spices. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014Mistress Clara’s class on garb patterning. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014Scribal class by TH Lady Katherne. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
Combat archery was taught at the event by Lord Ranif Pallesser at a target practice area. He brought many spare bows and arrows to enable people to have a go.
ICW combat archery training run by Lord Ranif. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014
Several collegians were authorised as combat archers at the event and later participated in the war scenarios.
ICW combat archery force. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, July 2014