Great Northern War XVI

Great Northern War XVI (GNW 16) was held at BP Park – 68 Cash Avenue, Samford, Queensland over the June long weekend (Friday 6th – Monday 9th June 2014, AS49). It was a fully catered event with dorms for interstate visitors and on site camping available. The event is run alternatively between the Northern Reaches baronies – this year it was hosted by the Barony of River Haven. More information is published about the event in general is available on the Great Northern War event page.

Owl event token for Great Northern War XVI. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Owl event token for Great Northern War XVI.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

The event timetable can be downloaded here: GNW XVI Event Timetable

Jolly Duke Tavern providing home-brewed, period cider and beer to the populace. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Jolly Duke Tavern providing home-brewed, period cider and beer to the populace.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014


Event team

Stewarding team

An owl decorating the list field. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
An owl decorating the list field.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

Event officers

Heavy Fighting

The traditional Flame Tourney was held on Friday night in the ring of fire – a double roped, large-sized list field with gas-fuelled fire, cross bars and braziers. Before the tournament began, Christopher Longstaff successfully authorised and was then squired to Count Sir Edmund of Shotley.

The tournament is an eight round grand melee (single engagement at a time) with the winner of each round gaining admission to the single kill, single elimination semi finals. The final two fighters compete in a single kill, triple elimination.

Flame Tourney at GNW XVI. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Flame Tourney at GNW XVI.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

At GNW XVI, there were 30 heavy combatants in the list. The eight combatants who progressed to the finals were:

  1. Duke Sir Alaric of Bangor
  2. TH Sir Lucas von Aych
  3. Sir Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot
  4. TH Lord Rowland Bridgeford
  5. Sir Bain of Stornaway
  6. Sir Leofric Willoughby de Broke
  7. Countess Liadan ingen Fheradaig (nominated by the victor, TH Sir Lucas von Aych)
  8. Lord Tristan

The quarter final results were:

The semi final results were:

The grand finalists this year were Duke Sir Alaric of Bangor and Sir Leofric Willoughby de Broke, with Duke Sir Alaric victorious.

Saturday saw the return of Knights School (heavy training) and the heavy fighter soccer game.

On Saturday and Sunday there was war held, with scenarios run by Count Sir Henri de Montferrant.

Archers in the war. Photo by Count Sir Edmund of Shotley, June 2014
Archers in the war.
Photo by Count Sir Edmund of Shotley, June 2014
The war. Photo provided from the camera of Lady Yaroslava Solovei, June 2014
The war.
Photo provided from the camera of Lady Yaroslava Solovei, June 2014

The Fighter Auction Tournament, a single kill and double elimination style, had 17 heavy combatants compete.

The semi final results were:

  1. TH Sir Lucas von Aych defeated Sir Agro Agwesi
  2. Count Sir Niall in Orkneyskii defeated TH Lord Rowland Bridgeford

The tournament was won by TH Sir Lucas von Aych, giving him the title of Powerful Owl.

TH Sir Lucas is bestowed the title of Powerful Owl for winning the Fighter Auction Tourney. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
TH Sir Lucas is bestowed the title of Powerful Owl for winning the Fighter Auction Tourney.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014


Saturday was a casual fighting/training day and saw Finnr Magnusson from Stegby successfully authorise for fencing.

On Sunday, TH Lady Ceara Shionnach ran four rounds of a six person Valhalla style tournament. Don Alessandro von Florenz won two rounds, and Sir Somerled of Redcliffe and TH Lady Ceara Shionnach won one round each. However, as Alessandro forfeited after the fourth round, a best of three (mixed weapons each time) was fought as the final between the latter two. Sir Somerled of Redcliffe was victorious.

Rapier Fighter Auction Tourney final. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Rapier Fighter Auction Tourney final.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

On Monday, Countess Liadan ingen Fheradaig ran the rapier Fighter Auction Tournament. Eight fighters entered the round robin format, with Don Alessandro von Florenz and Sir Somerled of Redcliffe making the triple elimination, mixed-weapons finals. Don Alessandro was victorious.

Don Alessandro wins the Rapier Fighter Auction Tourney. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014


During the evenings of Great Northern War there are often various games or other activities to entertain the populace. This year, one such entertainment was a play called ‘Shakespeare’s Sisters’, which included scenes from Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Merry Wives of Windsor and Midsummer Nights Dream. The performers included Baroness Mistress Acacia de Navarra, Lucia Littlefaire, Lady Elaine Wentworth and Lady Charyse the Shy and the play was conceived and directed by Lucia Littlefaire.

Two owls visited the event for a short time on Friday night – Jasper the barn owl and Jessie the barking owl. These friendly birds were able to be petted by the populace as they perched upon their carers arms.

Lady Elizabet Hunter with Jasper the Barn Owl at GNW XVI. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach
Lady Elizabet Hunter with Jasper the Barn Owl at GNW XVI.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach
Jessie the Barking Owl photo by Ceara June 2014
Jessie the Barking Owl at GNW XVI. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach

A sheep-stealing boffer game was played Saturday and Sunday evenings between adults and children alike. There were three sheep and two teams – the objective was for one team to steal all the sheep from the other team. It was three hits for a kill, and unlimited resurrections (by tapping an owl post at the entrance to the list field).

On Saturday and Sunday nights, the flaming trebuchets were fired to the delight and amazement of the onlookers.

Flaming trebuchet photo by Wintherus Alban June 2014
Flaming trebuchets being fired. Photo by Wintherus Alban, June 2014

On Saturday night, there were many chariot races held on the list field. In one of the most notable races, His Majesty Alfar and Her Majesty Angharat raced one another, with the Queen victorious.

Alfar and Angharat Chariot Racing. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Alfar and Angharat Chariot Racing.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

On Sunday night, there were several chariot jousting competitions held. The first was between His Majesty Alfar and Viscount Sir Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands. The Baron and Baroness of River Haven, Baron Master William Castille and TH Baroness Katherine Alicia of Sarum, also competed with the Baroness victorious.

King Alfar chariot jousting. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
King Alfar chariot jousting.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Sir Brusi chariot jousting. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Sir Brusi chariot jousting.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

Arts and Sciences

There were over 25 classes on offer over the weekend, some for adults and some kids focussed. Topics ranged from sewing/embroidery, illumination, silk painting, book making, and drawing to dancing and heraldic display.

There were also bardic circles run in the evenings.

Bonfires are held each night. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Bonfires are held each night.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014


The archery field saw much action over the event, including and IKAC shoot, a Royal Round competition, and archery hunt, a clout shoot and a childrens novelty shoot.

Archers at GNW XVI. Photo by Wintherus Alban, June 2014
Archers at GNW XVI. Photo by Wintherus Alban, June 2014
An armoured person being shot at with combat blunts in the archery area near the list field. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
An armoured person being shot at with combat blunts in the archery area near the list field.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

The victors were as follows:

Archery tokens for the victors. Photo by, June 2014
Archery tokens for the victors.
Photo by Lady Kathalyn Berghart, June 2014

Equestrian Activities

There were four horses on site for various equestrian activities across the weekend.

One of the horses and riders that competed at GNW XVI. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
One of the horses and riders that competed at GNW XVI.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

Kids Activities

Kinder Keep was an exciting area for the children at the event to play. The Keep included various childrens A&S activities (including colouring in, blackboard-painted shields and table, and classes such as pottery), a boffer field painted like a castle, a giant chess game and a puppet show.

Kinder Keep. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Kinder Keep.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Giant chess game. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Giant chess game.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Kids fort for boffer fighting and playing. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Kids fort for boffer fighting and playing.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Teenagers area. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Teenagers area.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014

Kingdom Raffle II

The second Kingdom Raffle, as run by Countess Mistress Leylii bint Hizir, was early Anglo-Saxon themed. 200 tickets were sold, and the winner of the raffle was TH Lady Ceara Shionnach. It was announced that there would be a forthcoming, fourth Kingdom Raffle held with a late period themed.

Countess Mistress Leylii bint Hizir running the early Saxon Kingdom Raffle. Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014
Countess Mistress Leylii bint Hizir running the early Saxon Kingdom Raffle.
Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, June 2014