Fields of Gold IV (FoG) was a weekend long event (Friday to Sunday), held at Bungendore Showgrounds in New South Wales, hosted by the Barony of Politarchopolis from 28th to 30th November, 2014 (AS 49). Over 250 people attended the event from across Lochac, and it also included two visitors from the West Kingdom.

The Canberra Times visited on the Saturday of the event, publishing an article online on Sunday documenting some aspects of Fields of Gold.

Event Team
The event was stewarded by Baroness Alesia de Cheval Blanc, and her primary event team included:
- Deputy Steward/Bookings Officer: Lord Gabriel van Dorne
- Kitchen Steward: The Honourable Baroness Anne de Tournais
- Marshal in Charge: Sir Kitan von Falkenberg
- Constable: Lord Otto Sexburger
- Head Herald: Lady Antonia Ruccellai
- Equestrian: Lady Sarah Hay
- Archery: The Honourable Lord Ulric of Ambledune
- Lists Officer: Countess Elizabeth de Foxle
- Arts and Sciences Co-ordinator: Lady Sophia van Dorne
Marshal Activities
Champion d’Or
At the end of the weekend, everyone who had competed in multiple disciplines became eligible to be named as the Champion D’Or. The winner, determined by Queen Liadan ingen Fheradaig II, was Lord William de la Montaigne Coupé.
Armoured Combat
Three armoured combat tournaments were held over the weekend; the Champs d’Or, the two-handed weapons tournament and the team melee tournament.
The Champs d’Or was a single kill, double elimination tournament with 33 entrants. The winner was Riddarri Lucas von Aych.

The two-handed weapons tournament was run as a king of the hill style, with Baron Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill the victor.
The team melee tournament was won by The King’s Resting Grumpy Face team, lead by His Majesty Niall inn Orkneyski II.
Duchess Sir Mari Asonte from the West Kingdom ran armoured combat classes throughout the weekend.
One tournament was held on Saturday for rapier – the Sol d’Or. The tournament was run as and 11-person round robin. The ultimate victor was Lord William de la Montaigne Coupé.
Three Guild of Defence prizes were fought, with Lord Owen of Torlyon, Lord Francesco di Falco di Pietro Aviati Vinattiere, and Lord Lorccan Ruadh were all successful in becoming Lochac’s newest Free Scholars.

Across the weekend, several informal rapier lessons were run by Don Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí, Don Damian Greybeard and Don Wolfram Flammenherz, Don Gomez de Crecy and Provost Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin.
Young Jack, Politarchopolis’ first junior rapier member, was authorised for youth rapier at this event.
Various archery competitions were held over the weekend, including an IKAC, Royal Round, Kings Round, Queens Round and a novelty shoot. The Champion Ciel d’Or was The Honourable Lord Ulric of Ambledune – the overall archery champion of the event.
FoG IV was host of the final of the Great Southern Jousting Series, which was run by Lady Sarah Hay. Mounted games, including mounted archery, were played and a performance piece called the Ballet du Cheval was performed on Saturday and Sunday.

Eight horses and associated riders and ground crew attended the event.
Lady Sarah Hay was named Champion Tournoi d’Or – the overall equestrian champion of the event.
Arts and Sciences
Lady Aleinya Thrakesis, The Honourable Lady Heilwich Gheerts, The Honourable Lady Antoinette Travaillie, and Baroness Kiriel du Papillon ran various Arts and Sciences classes over the weekend, covering topics such as weaving, dyeing, fitting hosen, Indian garb and court heraldry.

Other Significant Happenings
Lochac’s First Female Proto-Knight
On Saturday morning, Baroness Eva von Danzig was publicly asked to join Lochac’s Order of the Chivalry, and was sent on vigil until her knighting, to occur at Rowany Festival AS 50 (2015). This momentous occasion marks the impending creation of Lochac’s first female knight.
The Thing (court)
On Saturday evening, Their Majesties called for a Thing (i.e. a form of council meeting historically run by the Norse, used for dispute resolution and decision making). Three disputes were called before Their Majesties to resolve;
- Jarl Theuderic accused Herre Gilbert for moving a fence between their lands, limiting the space Jarl Theuderic had to run his 20 pigs. Their Majesties ruled that Jarl Theuderic was mistaken – his land hadn’t shrunk, but his pigs had grown from infancy to adulthood. In recompense for slandering Herre Gilbert’s good reputation, Jarl Theuderic was ordered to hand his fattest pig over to Herre Gilbert. Jarl Theuderic obliged, commenting that he insisted on keeping the prettiest pig for himself.
- Hesir Andreas accused Herre Jean-Christophe of trading watered-down mead whilst trading it for the price of full-strengthed mead. Baroness Eva stood in as a representative of Herre Jean-Cristophe (who was unable to be present to defend himself). Their Majesties ruled that Hesir Andreas was mistaking the taste of foreign-made mead for that of a lesser quality, and demanded he repay Herre Jean-Cristophe by assisting him to harvest the next lot of honey for next year’s mead brewing.
- Hesir ThrolfR brought a dispute against Riddarri Lucas for questioning his honour (by calling him a “carrion-eating, pot-licking, skirt-chasing, dandy”). Hesir ThrolfR called for a Holmgang (i.e. a fight to first blood), which Their Majesties permitted. The victor was Hesir ThrolfR, and Their Majesties declared him in the right in Their eyes, and the eyes of the gods. In recompense for his actions, Riddarri Lucas was ordered to serve ThrolfR at high table at the feast that night.
Lochac’s 16th Member Admitted to the Lochac Company of Archers
During the event, Lord Ulric of Ambledune was asked to join (and admitted into) the Lochac Company of Archers, becoming the 16th companion of the Order and attaining a Grant of Arms with the accolade. The now Honourable Lord Ulric of Ambledune has been the Captain of Archers in Politarchopolis for many years, and is one of the top archers in Lochac and across the Known World – consistently scoring highly in the annual Inter Kingdom Archery Competition (IKAC).