House Burbage is a 16th century English household created by Count Sir Stephen Aldred and Countess Mistress Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot in the Barony of Politarchopolis.

Photo by Lady Ceara Shionnach, 2008.

Photo sourced from Mistress Mathilde.
The household was founded in 2005 after Sir Stephen and Mistress Mathilde stepped down from reigning as Crown of Lochac.
Saint Piran, patron saint of Cornwall and tin-miners, is the nominated patron saint of the household. He was thrown off a cliff in Ireland, tied to a mill rind, and floated to Cornwall upon it. As such, the household device is black and white, in the colours of Saint Piran, with a mill rind in the centre.

Image created by Lady Ceara Shionnach.
The household was admitted to the Company of the Pride of Lochac by Their Majesties Gabriel II and Constanzia II on 2 July 2011.

Photo sourced from Lady Ceara Shionnach, 2011.
The household has members predominantly from the Barony of Politarchopolis, however, there are also several members from across Lochac and internationally.

Photo by Lady Ceara Shionnach, 2008.
Most years at Rowany Festival, House Burbage hosts a feast night on the Thursday in their communal dining hall, all decked out in banners and decorated wall sheets of constellations, with various guests invited.