The Equestrian Marshal manages the rules and regulations relating to mounted games and combat. They report directly to the Earl Marshal. More information about equestrian activities in the Kingdom can be found on the Lochac Equestrian website.

The current Equestrian Marshal for Australia is Baroness Alesia de Cheval Blanc, and her deputy for New Zealand is Lord Saule from Southron Gaard.

A list of those who’ve served in this position in Lochac are presented in the table, below.
Name | Term |
Lady Helena of Cleves (Aus) | ? to ? |
Office Vacant | Jun 2003 to Aug 2004 |
Lady Catulla Cinaeda (Aus) | Aug 2004 to Jan 2008 |
The Honourable Lady Isabel de Winter (NZ) | Jan 2008 to May 2011 |
Lady Ava del Mas (Aus) | Jul 2008 to ? |
Willow (NZ) | May 2011 to ? |
Lord Saule from Southron Gaard (NZ) | ? to Current |
Baroness Alesia de Cheval Blanc (Aus) | ? to Current |