The current Lochac Chirurgeon is The Honourable Lady Clara Bone-Aventure.

The Lochac Chirurgeon is head of the various group Chirurgeon’s around the Kingdom, who volunteer their time and skill in performing first aid at events (where necessary). For more information on this Office, see the Chirurgeon Website.
In March 2010, Lord Kotek Torzhokskoi made significant changes to the office rules. Prior to these rule changes, individuals had to be warranted to act as a chirurgeon at an event. Now, however, anyone with a first aid certificate (minimum requirement) can volunteer to assist the chirurgeonate at any time.
The following table lists those who have served as Lochac Chirurgeon.
Name | Term |
Lady Filippa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano | Jan 1990 to Nov 1992 |
Lord Tomas Fitzsimon of Oxford | Nov 1992 to Aug 1994 |
Lady Elena ate Weyhacche | Aug 1994 to Oct 1998 |
Lady Elizabeth of Malta | Oct 1998 to Feb 1999 |
Mistress Cathryn of Chester | Feb 1999 to 12/11/2000 |
Master Hrothgar Breaksword | 12/11/2000 to 07/10/2002 |
Lord Francis Polevik | 07/10/2002 to 15/05/2003 |
Master Hrothgar Breaksword | 15/05/2003 to 05/08/2003 |
Lady Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair | ? to ? |
Lowry ferch Gwynwynwyn ap Llewelyn | 05/08/2003 to ?/04/2005 |
Patry de Buck | ?/04/2005 to 09/01/2007 |
Master Hrothgar Breaksword | 09/01/2007 to 20/03/2007 |
Lady Isabella de Bordeaux | 20/03/2007 to 09/04/2009 |
Lord Kotek Torzhokskoi | 09/04/2009 to 22/04/2011 |
Lord Meirtzen of Hanton | 01/07/2011 to 30/06/2013 |
The Honourable Lady Clara Bone-Aventure | 01/07/2013 to present |