The Deputy Marshal (Rapier) is responsible for managing the rules and regulations for rapier and cut-and-thrust combat. They report directly to the Earl Marshal.
The current Deputy Marshal (Rapier) is Don Everard Sefar, and his deputies are currently Don Gomez De Crecy and Provost Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin.

A list of those who have held this office are presented in the table, below.
Name | Term |
The Honourable Lord François Henri Guyon | ? 1991 to ? 1994 |
Lord Damian Greybeard | ? 1994 to April 1999 |
Lord Viktor Zagreeb | April 1999 to April 2000 |
Don Tariq ibn Jelal | April 2000 to July 2003 |
Master Piers of Malmesbury | Aug 2003 to Apr 2009 |
Lord Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye | Sep 2005 to Apr 2009 |
Don William de Cameron | Apr 2009 to Jan 2011 |
Don Giles Leabrook | Jan 2011 to ~Aug 2013 |
Don Everard Sefar | ~Aug 2013 to Current |