The Provost of Scribes co-ordinates the production of such scrolls as may be directed by the Crown, and as may pertain to the Lochac Kingdom awards; and provides such other documents as the Crown may require. More information about this office can be found on the Lochac College of Scribes website.
The current Provost of Scribes is Baroness Mistress Branwen of Werchesvorde.

The Provost of Scribes manages a number of processes involved in the creation and distribution of scrolls and writs, including:
- Maintaining the Scribes‘ Database,
- Allocating scrolls to Wardens and Scribes,
- Making sure that each scribe has the correct details for the scroll that,
they are undertaking, - Scroll Blanks,
- Checking that the scrolls are correct before they go to the recipients,
- Signing and Sealing the Scrolls,
- Getting the scrolls to the recipient, and
- Producing Award of Arms Writs.
A list of those who have held this office is presented in the table below.
Name | Term |
Mistress Rowan Perigrynne | Oct 1987 to Jan 1990 |
Baroness Alarice Beatrix von Thal | Jan 1990 to Mar 1992 |
Viscountess Mistress Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada | Mar 1992 to ? |
Lady Branwen of Werchesvorde | Apr 2000 to Mar 2001 |
Master Giles Laval | Mar 2001 to Oct 2004 |
Mistress Leofwynn Wulfinga | Oct 2004 to Aug 2006 |
Mistress Leonie de Grey | Aug 2006 to May 2009 |
Viscountess Mistress Cairistiona nic Bheathain | May 2009 to Aug 2012 |
The Honourable Lady Katherne Rischer | Aug 2012 to Jan 2015 |
Baroness Mistress Branwen of Werchesvorde | Jan 2015 to current |