The Deputy Marshal (Archery) manages the light combatants (i.e. combat archers) rules and regulations. They report to the Earl Marshal.
The current Deputy Marshal (Archery) is The Honourable Lady Angele Marie de Savigny.

Photo by Count Sir Edmund of Shotley, June 2014
A list of those who’ve served in this office in Lochac is presented in the table, below.
Name | Term |
Lord Karias of Lockford | ? to ? |
Lord Marcus Waffenschmied | Jun 2004 to Jun 2006 |
The Honourable Lady Sabine d’Antan | Jun 2006 to May 2009 |
Sir Nathan Blacktower | May 2009 to Nov 2012 |
The Honourable Lord Madog Llwyd ap Madog | Nov 2012 to Sep 2014 |
The Honourable Lady Angele Marie de Savigny | Sep 2014 to current |