Lochac‘s La Prova Dura II was hosted by the Barony of Innilgard from Friday 19th to Sunday 21st of July 2013 at Douglas Scrub campground, Douglas Gully Road, McLaren Flat, South Australia. The event steward was Master Yevan de Leeds.
Two international heavy combatants attended the event – Duke Sir Fabian Arnet von Schwetzingen and Crown Prince and Princess of the West, Count Sir Mark
de Arundel – along with Crown Princess Patricia Blakethorne.

The tournament on Saturday was a round robin of 31 fighters that lasted for 8 hours, consisting of 30 rounds. Combatants fought in rain, hail, sunshine, wind and darkness to complete this challenge.

The winner of the tournament was Count Sir Marc de Arundel, Crown Prince of the West. He bested Duke Sir Fabian in the best of three final, fighting well into the evening darkness.

Following the previous La Prova del Valor winner (Duke Hauoc), Count Sir Marc presented Baroness Blodeuwedd y Gath with the victors ring in recognition of the endurance of the heralds of the day. The ring was silver and set with a garnet, made jointly by Sir Felix Arnett von Danzig and Lord Benedict of York.