On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November 2014, the November Crown Tournament of Lochac was held in the Shire of Torlyon. The event was held at the Yass Showgrounds, New South Wales. The event stewards were Master Alex the Potter and Lady Isabella de Bordeaux. Hallowmas was the event theme, given that the event started immediately after Halloween.

In the morning, the sky was overcast and the wind swept wildly across the warm field. There was a spattering of rain at times, and occasionally the sun peeked out from behind the clouds to shine down upon those in attendance. Markets were set up for the populace to browse, and the list field was decorated with banners, list trees and pavilions.

The event began with Crown Tournament. 19 entrants competed in the tournament, and the format was a single kill, double elimination with a best of three final. The entrants and their consorts (in order of precedence) included:
- Count Sir Theuderic Batavii for Countess Engelin Teufel
- Viscount Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur for Viscountess Altani Khalighu
- Sir Master Baron Steffan Glaube for Lady Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas
- Master Bernard Stirling for Lady Cecily de Montgomery
- Sir Tomas Askelson for Lady Zofija Rawina
- Sir Kitan von Falkenberg for Baroness Alesia de Cheval Blanc
- Sir Master Jon Dai of the Lane for Countess Mistress Margie of Glen More
- Sir Baron Ysambart Courtin for Mistress Joie Tigre d’Argentona
- Sir Blethyn ap Gryffyd for TH Lady Ailis inghean Mheadhbha
- TH Lord Orri Vigleiksson for TH Lady Heilwich Gheerts
- TH Lord Galen Wulfric for Lady Slaine inghean ui Ruadhain
- Baron Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill for Baroness Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza
- Lord Ariston Hegelokos for Lilavati
- Lord Theodulf Audax for Lady Safiya Bint Al-Shahid
- Lord Wolff Hebenstreit for Lady Ciana da Lucca
- Lady Zofija Rawina for Sir Tomas Askelson
- Lord Skarp-Heðin Sverðvarpnir for Lady Ilona Skadja
- Lord Otto Sex Burger for Lady Anne de Tournais
- Lord Henrich Eberhard Von Kornberg for Countess Elizabeth de Foxle

Viscount Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur faced Sir Kitan von Falkenberg in a best of three finals. With two consecutive victories (and the third not being fought), Kinggiyadai was the ultimate victor.

The full results of the day were as follows:

Viscount Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur and Viscountess Altani Khalighu were named as the 26th Crown Prince and Princess of Lochac.

Three Kingdom Arts and Sciences competitions were held at the event. There were five entries all together, and the victors were Lady Ursula von Memmingen (for headwear), Lord Kit Hackforth (for blacksmithing) and a tie between Wintherus Alban and Lady Anna Felice Tavestoche (for heraldic items).

The Worshipful Company of Broiderers ran a blackwork competition. There were eight entries in all, with the winner being Mistress Mistress Hunydd with her blackwork hood in red silk, with silver spangles and braid stitch.

During court, the following also occurred:
- Lord Ariston Hegelochos was awarded the Wreath of Chivalry.
- Lady Zofija Rawina was awarded the Wreath of Valour.
- Viscountess Cairistiona nic Bheathain was awarded the Lochac Order of Grace.
- Lord Valdemar received the Order of the Rowan.
- Lady Amelot de Akeney (the Cold Case Herald) was named Herald, the highest rank in the Lochac College of Heralds.
- TH Lady Ceara was named a Persuivant, the middle rank in the Lochac College of Heralds.
- Viscountess Cairistiona won a bowl made by Master Alex the Potter for correctly completing the event quiz first.

The following day saw an archery competition held with 4 entrants – two for the period division and two for the open division. For the period division, Baron Alessandro von Florenz was bested by Wintherus Alban. In the open division, Lady Helayne Quyne was bested by Lady Helouys le Poer.
Two concurrent tournaments were also held– a rose tourney for both rapier and heavy fighters. Roses and bunches of lavender were the tokens of the day, and they were distributed widely throughout the onlookers. Lady Madeleine d’Eyncourt and Lord Skarp-Heðin Sverðvarpnir were presented with tokens from Her Majesty Liadan II on behalf of the Ladies of the Rose for the heavy tournament. There were two entrants in the rapier tournament – Lord Ivan and TH Lady Ceara Shionnach – who fought 23 bouts with TH Lady Ceara victorious 13 times to 8 (and two double kills).