On Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of November 2015, the November Crown Tournament of Lochac was held in the Shire of Dismal Fogs at the Kingsford Smith Memorial Park and the Katoomba-Leura Community Centre, Katoomba, NSW, Australia. The event stewards were Duchess Gudrun Bodvarsdottir and Baroness Catigern Goch.
Law Changes and Invocation Court
Saturday began as a warm, sunny day. It began with Court and the announcement of law changes made by King Steffan and Queen Branwen.
The first law changes re-instated the title of Lord/Lady of Lochac (not used since the days of the Principality), given to the consort of the runner-up in Crown Tournaments. The first holder of this re-instated title was announced as Countess Catalina Oro Sol from the Barony of Ildhafn.
The second law change involved the instigation of a new award: the Order of the Coronaria. This award was given retrospectively to all of those women who reigned in Lochac prior to Lochac becoming a Kingdom (i.e. the Viscountesses and Vicereines).
Before Invocation Court began, a minutes silence was held to honour the memory of Countess Mistress Leonore de Scotia, and a leather-bound book of rememberance was made available for those who wished to write their condolences.
Fifteen combatants presented themselves, and their consorts, to the Crown during Invocation Court with their intention to enter Lochac’s November Crown Tournament AS50. In order of precedence, the entrants included:
- Duke Ædward Stadefæste for Duchess Yolande Kesteven
- Duchess Liadan ingen Fheradaig for Duke Niall inn Orkneyskii
- Count Berenger of Nancy for Lady Alessandra di Messina
- Countess Engelin Teufel for Count Theuderic Batavii
- Iarla Maighstir a Shir Thegn Bran an torcdubh mac Bruide for Qadiya Mu’allima Shayka Lilya bint Hizir
- Viscount Corin Anderson for Viscountess Keridwen the Mouse
- Viscountess Keridwen the Mouse for Viscount Corin Anderson
- Sir Agro Agwesi for Mistress Glynhyvar of River Haven
- Sir Rowland Bridgeforth for Mistress Tailltiu Ghoirt Ruaidh
- Lady Alessandra di Messina for Sir Berenger of Nancy
- Lord Semeon Alekasandrovich Dragon for Viscountess Muirghein ni Ghrainne
- Lord Gilbert Purchase for Lady Bethony Gaitskell
- Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier for The Honourable Lady Angele Marie de Savigny
- Lord Otto Sex Burger for the Honourable Baroness Anne de Tournai
- Lady Aia for Baron Angus MacDougall

Duke Ædward, Duchess Liadan, Count Berenger, Count Bran, Viscount Corin, Sir Agro Agwesi, and Sir Rowland were asked to take the Kings side (i.e. the challenged for the first round).
Countess Engelin, Viscountess Keridwen, Lady Alessandra, Lord Semeon, Lord Gilbert, Lord Jean-Christophe, Lord Otto, Lady Aia were asked to take the Queens side (i.e. the challengers for the first round). After a random draw from King Steffan’s Crown, the order of the challenges and fights in round one (including the first bye) was made.
Crown Tournament and Results
Lists were run by Lady Ana Wandererin, and the tournament heralds were co-ordinated by THBaroness Ceara Shionnach.
Seven rounds were fought – the six were single kill, double elimination and the finals were fought as a best of three. Sir Jon Dai of the Lane fought each of the byes.
Round 1
Countess Engelin v Count Sir Bran (win)
Lord Semeon v Duke Ædward (win)
Lord Jean-Christophe v Count Sir Berenger (win)
Lord Gilbert (win) v Viscount Sir Corin
Lady Alessandra v Sir Rowland (win)
Lady Aia v Sir Agro (win)
Lord Otto v Duchess Liadan (win)
Bye: Viscountess Keridwen
Round 2
Duke Ædward v Count Sir Berenger (win)
Sir Rowland (win) v Lord Gilbert
Sir Agro v Duchess Liadan (win)
Viscount Corin (win) v Lady Alessandra
Lord Otto v Lady Aia (win)
Lord Semeon (win) v Lord Jean-Christophe
Count Sir Bran (win) v Viscountess Keridwen
Bye: Countess Engelin
Fallen at the end of Round 2: Lady Alessandra, Lord Jean-Christophe, Lord Otto.
Round 3
Lord Gilbert (win) v Lord Semeon
Duke Ædward (bout not fought – retired from injury) v Viscount Sir Corin (win)
Viscountess Keridwen (win) v Lady Aia
Sir Rowland (win) v Duchess Liadan
Sir Agro (win) v Countess Engelin
Count Sir Berenger v Count Sir Bran (win)
Fallen at the end of Round 3: Duke Ædward (injury), Lord Semeon, Lady Aia, Countess Engelin.
Round 4
Duchess Liadan v Viscount Sir Corin (win)
Sir Agro v Lord Gilbert (win)
Count Sir Berenger (win) v Viscountess Keridwen
Count Sir Bran v Sir Rowland (win)
Fallen at the end of Round 4: Duchess Liadan, Viscountess Keridwen, Sir Agro.
Round 5
Count Sir Berenger v Lord Gilbert (win)
Viscount Sir Corin v Sir Rowland (win)
Bye: Count Sir Bran
Fallen at the end of Round 5: Count Sir Berenger, Viscount Sir Corin.
Round 6
Count Sir Bran v Lord Gilbert (win)
Bye: Sir Rowland
Fallen at the end of Round 6: Count Sir Bran

Round 7 (Finals)
Lord Gilbert Purchase won the first.
Lord Gilbert Purchase won the second.
The third was not fought.

Lord Gilbert Purchase and Lady Bethony Gaitskell were named as the 28th Crown Prince and Princess of Lochac. Sir Rowland Bridgeforth was named Champion Elect and Mistress Tailltiu Ghoirt Ruaidh was named as Lady of Lochac Elect.

Victory Feast
The victory feast on Saturday night was held in the Katoomba-Leura Community Centre, run by Mistress Gabriella della Santa Croce and Mistress Marguerité de Rada y Silva. With the second course, a beautiful swan soteltie was presented to Their Majesties and the High Table. The soteltie was made by Mistress Filippa, Elden, and Roxy with bird netting wrapped in alfoil wrapped in fondant and painted.

Competitions and Court
Arts and Sciences Results
The Worshipful Company of Broiderers ran an applique competition. The winner was announced in Court as Mistress Keridwen the Mouse.
Three Kingdom Arts and Sciences competitions were run on Saturday, with the following results:
- Medicine research: HRH Bethony Gaitskell (1st place) and Lady Mairi of Kilvarock (2nd place),
- Bookbinding: Sir Vladimir Ivanovich Kurgan (1st place), and Master Crispin Sexi and The Honourable Lady Isabell Winter (tied for 2nd place),
- Beading: Lady Mairi of Kilvarock (1st place) and The Honourable Lady Alexandra Hartshorne (2nd place).
Children’s Activities
There was a boffer tournament for the children on Saturday morning, with joint victors. After the victors were announced, the children presented treasure from their quest (small bags of rainbow candy in a wicker basket) to Their Majesties. His Majesty thanked them and presented the candy back to the children, for it was fitting that those who worked to obtain the treasure should benefit from it.

Saturday Court Awards
Many people were recognised for their diverse efforts on Saturday Courts, including:
- Lady Aia was presented with the Wreath of Chivalry.
- Count Sir Bran na torcdubh mac Brude was presented with the Wreath of Valour.
- Master Orri Vígleiksson was admitted into the Order of Chivalry with a ceremony filled with references to elements of Norse culture (including a raven messanger who flew before the Crown).

- Mistress Iseabail inghean Mhartainn mhic Dhonnchaidh was elevated to the Order of the Laurel, and named as a Guildmaster in the Brewer’s Guild of Lochac, for her brewing knowledge, skills, and teachings.

- Vicountess Mistress Cairistiona nic Bheathain was made a Baroness in the Court of Lochac.
- Count Sir Berenger of Nancy was awarded the Knotted Sword for his best death in Crown Tournament, having fallen with laughter to a one-shot to the face by Count Sir Bran that his glaive failed to block.

- Countess Mistress Lilya Bint Hizir was presented with the Lochac Order of Grace (LOG).
- Countess Catalina Oro Sol was officially listed as the Lady of Lochac (consort to the current Champion of Lochac, Sir Radbot von Borg).
- Mistress Cairistiona nic Bheathain stepped down after serving for two years as Kingdom Seneschal, and Lord Nicodemus Novello stepped into the position.
The following day, despite the wet conditions, many combatants entered the rapier tournament and heavy rose tournament to demonstrate their skill and courtesy on the field.
In Closing Court, Their Majesties recognised more gentles for their diverse efforts:
- Magnus and Olga of the Fogs were names as the newest armigers of the Kingdom.
- Ellynor Askewe and Rodrigo Brasa were presented with Golden Tears.
- Nycholas Askewe was awarded a Star and Lily.