Mundane Location
- Founded
- Month Year, SCA Name Seneschal
- Progress:
- Canton: Date; Shire: Date; Barony: Date (SCA Name and SCA Name).
- Baronage:
- SCA Name and SCA Name. Full list.
- Sub-branches
- College of Saint Name, Canton of Name, Hamlet of Name; former Canton of Name.
- Blazon of arms
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Internet Presence:
- Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Meet-Up, LiveJournal, MySpace, Parler, MeWe, etc etc etc
- Notable events
- Notable Events
- Name origin
- Origin of name
- Extra Title #1
- Extra Detail #1
Mordenvale is Lochac’s eleventh Barony, and it is based in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.
The Shire of Mordenvale was initially formed in May 1984 with Wulfwine Grimwald as the first Seneschal. In July 2003, Mordenvale was elevated to Barony status.
Ragnar Magnússon and Lucrezia de Milano are Baron and Baroness Mordenvale – that is, the founding Baron and Baroness.
Newsletter and Online Presence
The Barony of Mordenvale has an email list, and a facebook group.
Reigning Barons and Baronesses
The full list and dates of all reigning Barons and Baronesses (also known as Landed Gentry or Landed Barons and Baronesses) are listed on the Canon Lore website under Mordenvale.
The current Baron and Baroness are Ludwig von Lichtenstein and Anastasia del Valente.

Baronial Name and Device
The baronial device for Mordenvale, as emblazoned on the Lochac Roll of Arms, is:
Per chevron inverted vert and gules, a chevron inverted between a lymphad and a laurel wreath Or.

- Oxington Chase is an Incipient Canton of the Barony of Mordenvale, based in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. The group reached official Incipient Canton status on 6 July 2013.
The Canton does not currently have a device registered with the College of Heralds, however, their unofficial device uses the same colours as the Barony of Mordenvale and has pine trees and a bull’s head charge.
- St Crispin is a College of the Barony of Mordenvale, based at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.The College has not been very active in recent years and has no device registered with the College of Heralds.
Baronial Awards
Baronial awards are bestowed by the landed Barons and Baronesses, often in response to recommendations they receive from the populace.
Cup of Friendship
The Cup of Friendship is award to those from outside the Barony who contribute significantly to Mordenvale. Those in possession of such a cup are granted free refills at any Mordenvale tavern.

Jade Amulet
The Jade Amulet is awarded to those for skill and/or contributing to the arts and sciences.

Unfurled Lymphad
The Unfurled Lymphad is awarded for service to the Barony.

Call to Arms
The Call to Arms is awarded to those who return to fighting in the Barony.

Golden Chevron
The Golden Chevron is awarded to those who display exceptional courtesy and grace.

Red Cloak
The Red Cloak is awarded by the Baron and Baroness giving a few metres of wool to a worthy recipient for them to make into a cloak of their choosing.
The Styrismore is the Baronial childrens award. It is a ‘collect them all’ award where children can earn various tokens to hang from their belt for arts martial, service, courtesy and arts and sciences.

Baronial Cyphers
The Baron and Baroness bestow Baronial Cyphers upon those who significantly enrich their tenure. The tokens change throughout time.
Signature Events
Mordenvale’s signature events include:
- Tocal Token Tourney– Mordenvale’s annual Midwinter weekend event that includes feasting and a grand melee token tournament for heavy combatants.
- Spring War – Mordenvale’s annual heavy combat war weekend that involves camping, lots of war and enormous quantities of bacon.
The Grogs
One of the most well known groups of Mordenvale are known as The Grogs, which are described by Somerled of Redcliffe[1] as follows:
What is a Grog?
I am sure that every one has a different idea. A grog is usually a heavy fighter in the SCA. A grog usually comes from Mordenvale. A Grog will pretend to have an IQ of um, less than many. It is a grogs duty to be a shock-troop, and at his leaders command to charge the biggest thing on the field. Most grogs drink. A lot.
How do I become a Grog?
First you must train as a GIT*. You must be an authorized fighter, preferably heavy. You must fight at least one, preferably three or more, Wars wearing a Grog Tabard and fighting as part of the Shield-wall. You must fight a best-of-eleven against the previous grog or a grog of equal skill. If you do something either heroic or idiotic you may earn your grog name.
*What does the asterisk near GIT mean?
A GIT is a Grog in Training. All GITs are GIT number one because we cannot tell the difference between them. Grogs tell the GITs what Ragnar says (Sir Ragnar Magnússon).
How were Grogs invented?
A grog is a creature from the RPG Ars Magica. It was a humanoid fighter type whose only task was to be slain in droves by uber-powerful wizards. The shield-grog was invented by Boris about eight years ago (~1997) during his first war in Politarchopolis in which they thought it amusing to pretend to be stupid, uncouth brutes.
How do Grogs Count?
Badly. If a grog is really confused then every number is one. In a war grogs can count to three, because they all know what comes next. Once a grog either becomes a sergeant (good) or a squire (so they can chase archers because they’re too scared to fight in the wall) then they learn how to count in the Grogicimal system. This system is base four. E.g, 1, 2, 3, many. Many 1, many 2, many 3, many many.
The decimal 16 equates to lots in the Grogicimal system. E.g. 21 is lots, many, 1
The term all of them applies technically to the decimal 64 or higher but can mean any number greater than three at times.
Thus you may hear comments from Grogs like There are many pointy hats over there, I have had lots to drink, and who cares, lets just charge them!
The Grogs are each given a ‘Grog name’. For example, Grogus Eucalyptus was the name given to a Grog who charged in a war and hit a tree. Grogus Pinkus Mistus was the name given to the Grog who absorbed multiple rounds from the Lemmings Household’s cannon in war. Other Grog names include Grogus Deadus and Grogus Incognito.
Another thing to know about The Grogs are their ever-useful escape clause: Ragnar told me to do it!
[1] Somerled’s description of The Grogs of Mordenvale: