Mundane Location
- Founded
- Month Year, SCA Name Seneschal
- Progress:
- Canton: Date; Shire: Date; Barony: Date (SCA Name and SCA Name).
- Baronage:
- SCA Name and SCA Name. Full list.
- Sub-branches
- College of Saint Name, Canton of Name, Hamlet of Name; former Canton of Name.
- Blazon of arms
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Internet Presence:
- Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Meet-Up, LiveJournal, MySpace, Parler, MeWe, etc etc etc
- Notable events
- Notable Events
- Name origin
- Origin of name
- Extra Title #1
- Extra Detail #1
Ildhafn is Lochac’s tenth Barony, and it is based in Auckland, North Island, New Zealand.
Along with Barony of Southron Gaard and the Shire of Darton, Ildhafn is one of the groups that make up the region in Lochac referred to as the Crescent Isles.
Ildhafn was initially formed in 1994. In September 1996, Ildhafn was made a Shire of the Kingdom of Caid and on 21 June 2003, the group joined the Kingdom of Lochac and was elevated to Barony status.
Saint Catherine is the Barony’s patron saint and they celebrate her feast day at St Catherine’s Faire each year.
In AS 38, the Kingdom of Caid granted Ildhafn an Augmentation of Arms in recognition of their long ties with said Kingdom.
Baronial Awards
Baronial awards are bestowed by the landed Barons and Baronesses, often in response to recommendations they receive from the populace. The Baronial Order of Precedence is available on the groups website.
Guildsmen of the Barony of Ildhafn
The Guildsmen of the Barony of Ildhafn is awarded to those whose artistry and contribution to their craft provides inspiration to the Barony.

Militia of the Barony of Ildhafn
The Militia of the Barony of Ildhafn is awarded to those who defend the honour of the Barony by their skill in the arts martial.

Alderman of the Barony of Ildhafn
The Alderman of the Barony of Ildhafn is awarded to those who give of their time and effort to enhance the experiences of all and in doing so inspire others to do the same.

Burgesses of the Barony of Ildhafn
The Burgesses of the Barony of Ildhafn is awarded to those who provide the examples of courtesy to which we all aspire.

Freedom of the City
The Freedom of the City is awarded to those who have contributed greatly to Ildhafn and who reside outside of the Barony.

Baronial Cyphers
The Baron and Baroness bestow Baronial Cyphers upon those who significantly enrich their tenure. The tokens change throughout time.
Signature Events
Ildhafn’s signature events include:
- St Sebastians – an archery and campfire cooking weekend event held in February or March each year.
- Bloth – Ildhafn’s traditional midwinter feast.
- Feast of St John of Jerusalem – the Canton of Cluain’s flagship event, held in September each year.
- St Catherine’s Faire – a weekend camping event of tournaments, wars, feasting, arts and sciences, markets, and entertainments. It’s usually run in November or December of each year.