Mundane Location
- Founded
- Month Year, SCA Name Seneschal
- Progress:
- Canton: Date; Shire: Date; Barony: Date (SCA Name and SCA Name).
- Baronage:
- SCA Name and SCA Name. Full list.
- Sub-branches
- College of Saint Name, Canton of Name, Hamlet of Name; former Canton of Name.
- Blazon of arms
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Internet Presence:
- Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Meet-Up, LiveJournal, MySpace, Parler, MeWe, etc etc etc
- Notable events
- Notable Events
- Name origin
- Origin of name
- Extra Title #1
- Extra Detail #1
Aneala is Lochac’s fifth Barony, and it is based in Perth, Western Australia.
At Twelfth Night AS 17 (1983), Aneala was proclaimed a Shire (referred to as Aneala Scir) and in AS 21 (1987), Aneala became a Marche Barony of the Kingdom of the West whilst the rest of Australia became the Principality of Lochac. Aneala then re-joined the Lochac on 1 May 1989, as declared at the West Kingdom’s Beltane Coronation event (29-30 April 1989).
Steveg Stevegsson and Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada are Baron and Baroness Aneala – that is, the founding Baron and Baroness of Aneala.
Newsletter and Online Presence
The Vine is the newsletter of the Barony of Aneala. The Barony also has a website, an email list, and a facebook group.
Reigning Barons and Baronesses
The full list and dates of all reigning Barons and Baronesses (also known as Landed Gentry or Landed Barons and Baronesses) are listed on the Canon Lore website under Aneala.
The current Baron and Baroness are Damian Greybeard and Leonie de Grey.
Baronial Name and Device
The baronial device for Aneala, as emblazoned on the Lochac Roll of Arms, is:
Azure, issuant from chief a demi-sun Or, on a chief argent a laurel wreath vert between two swans heads and necks erased respectant sable.

The demi-sun on a blue background is representative of the fact that the sun sets over the ocean in Western Australia. The black swan is the official state bird emblem for Western Australia.
- Dragon’s Bay is a Canton of the Barony of Aneala, based in the Rockingham Region in Western Australia.
The Canton device for Dragon’s Bay, as emblazoned on the Lochac Roll of Arms, is:
Argent, a sword within a laurel wreath and a point pointed vert.

The Incipient Canton of Vallon d’Or is based in Balingup, Green Bushed and Bridgetown in Western Australia.
Vallon d’Or does not currently have any arms registered.
- The College of St Basil the Great is based at the University of Western Australia.
The College does not currently have any arms registered, however, their unregistered arms are sable and argent with two sable castles.
Baronial Awards
Baronial awards are bestowed by the landed Barons and Baronesses, often in response to recommendations they receive from the populace. The Baronial Order of Precedence is available on the Baronial website.
Black Feather
The Black Feather is awarded for newcomers in the Barony who “jump in with both feet”.
Hearth Troop
The Hearth Troop is given at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness to Champions of Aneala at the end of their term.
Order of the Cygnets of Aneala
The Order of the Cygnets of Aneala is awarded to those under the age of 16 who make a notable contribution in fighting, service and arts and sciences.
Order of the Demi-suns
The Order of the Demi-suns is awarded for outstanding service to the Barony.

Order of the Golden Swan
The Order of the Golden Swan is awarded for excellence in, and contribution to, the arts and sciences.

Order of the Suns Ray
The Order of the Suns Ray is given to those who display exceptional courtesy and grace.
Order of the Supporting Swans
The Order of the Supporting Swans is given to those who give outstanding and ongoing service to the Barony for many years.

Plumes of Aneala
The Plumes of Aneala is awarded to groups in Aneala who have demonstrated skills in the fields of Martial Arts, Arts and Sciences, and Service, which greatly enhance the Barony.
Valiant Swans of Aneala
The Valiant Swans of Aneala is awarded for excellence in, and contribution to, the arts martial.

Baronial Cyphers
The Baron and Baroness bestow Baronial Cyphers upon those who significantly enrich their tenure. The tokens change throughout time.