A poem composed and read by Blodeuwedd y Gath for the coronation of the first King and Queen of Lochac.
Children grow and leave their home,
Birds fly from the nest,
Small groups into Kingdoms grow,
Thus Lochac leaves the West.
Our feet upon this path have trod
For many a change of moon;
For some the journey was too long,
For some it’s far too soon.
Silken banners newly sewn,
Newly forged two crowns,
New thrones are carved, new courts are made,
And new ways must be found.
Our King and Queen sit on their throne,
In grace and glory they,
New words of Fealty to hear –
Yet these are hard to say
For Fealty is hard to move,
And some love lasts forever,
And Loyalty is hard to break,
And heart-strings tough to sever.
So when we toast our King and Queen,
The Stewards, and the rest,
Forgive me if, when “Lochac” we cry,
My heart still whispers “West”.