For the Mongol styled Reign of Kinggiyadai I and Altani I in AS49-50 (2015), Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur and Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier rewrote Lochac’s ceremonies to match. These ceremonies are being generously shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Lochac’s awards are described elsewhere on Memories of Lochac.
In the context of these award ceremonies, Khan or Khagan replaces King and Khatun or Yeke Khatun replaces Queen. The ‘Golden Family’ refers to the Khan, Khatun, Their family and Their household.

Photo by TH Lady Ceara Shionnach, January 2015
Opening Ceremonies
Call to Court
All rise and make obeisance to King-gi-ya-dai Kha-gan
And Al-ta-ni Ye-ke Kha-tun
Begin Court
The Golden Family commands that you sit and listen to their words.
Close Court
Long live the Khan
Long live the Kha-tun
For all the lands of the Empire under Tengri the eternal blue sky, three cheers:
Award Ceremonies
Award of Arms
As We grow Our Empire, We find that We need to seek out trustworthy agents to execute […pause…] Our commands.
Your efforts and contributions have been noted by the people, and we see fit to grant you a gerege (Ge-Re-Ji), a marker of authority and rank.
With these gerege, We name you armigers of Our Empire and people will style you Lord or Lady.
Fealty Oaths
Kingdom Officers
Herald: Let the Officers of State come forward and kneel before the Khan.
Khan: It is said that the bow and the sword can win an empire, but they cannot keep it. We have need of officials who can organise the people and structures that keep the Kingdom alive. Will you be our eyes to see and our ears to hear, our tongues to direct and our hands to nurture the kingdom?
Khatun: Then you will find that we will treasure you amongst our people, as we treasure the horse amongst the five muzzles of livestock, favoured amongst all our servants. Betray us, and we will exile you from your men and servants, from your wives and children, and cast you out into the wilderness.
Territorial Barons and Baronesses
Herald: Let the governors of [subjugated Barony], Baron & Baroness [names] come forward and kneel before the Khan
Khan: Now that Heaven and Earth have increased our power and given us their protection, you have come to us and think more of us than of Niall and Liadan and wish to be our companions. Will you become our fortunate and senior companions?
Khatun: Then we make you our Noyans, commanders of a thousand warriors: Go and let none else in the empire stand above you.
Royal Peers
Herald: Let all Royal Peers who wish to swear fealty come forward and kneel before the Khan.
Khatun: When, apart from my shadow, I had no friends, you were my shadows. You eased my mind, so in my mind you shall stay.
When, apart from my tail, I had no fat, You were my tail. You eased my heart, so in my breast you shall stay. Will you not become the seniors of all these people?
Khan: Then we make you our Jagutu-iin Darga, our Commanders of a hundred Warriors. Go, and use your great influence to grow our Empire.
Bestowed Peers
Herald: Let all Knights of Lochac here present now come before the Khan. And let any Companion of the Order of the Laurel, C. of the O. of the Pelican or C. of the O. of Defense who wish to swear fealty come forwards likewise.
Khan: When we are riding out against many enemies, let us ride out together with a single goal.
When we are hunting wild beasts, let us hunt together with a single aim.
Should we be stung by the fangs of a snake, let’s not be bitten. Let us understand one another by teeth and by mouth, let us trust one another.
Should we be slandered by the back teeth of a snake, let us reject its slander. Let us understand one another by mouth and by tongue, let us trust one another.’
Will you join with us to make this pledge?
Khan: Then over and above friendship, let there be double friendship. We name you each our Arban-u Darga, our captains of ten warriors. Go, and lead your people to success and prosperity.
Golden Tear
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier
It is written of Chinggis, the Great Khan, that whilst fighting against Ong Khan, his brother Ogedai went missing with two companions during the night. When they returned two days later, they found Ogedai had been severely wounded by an arrow. On seeing them, Temujin shed tears, personally kindled the fire and cauterised the wound.
Following the example of Chinggis Khan, we recognise those who give of themselves for others, by inducting them into the noble Order of the Golden Tear of Lochac.
Silver Pegasus
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier and Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur
The lifeblood of the people who live in the felt tents is bourne in the five muzzles of livestock; the Camel, the Sheep, the Goat, the Ox, and the most valued of them all: the Horse. Without their patience, diligence and service, we would be as naught, for what would carry our great warriors into battle, transport the gers that shelter us, or enable us to hunt far across the steppes. And what can be better than a horse, but a horse with the power of flight?
Here before us [is a subject / are subjects] who, without their service, their diligence or their patience our Kingdom would be as naught. Therefore, we recognise them as deserving of great honour and do induct them into the Order of the Silver Pegasus.
Star and Lily
In the Eastern parts of the Empire, some of the followers of the Buddhas revere a goddess-Bodhisattva named Tara, or “Star”. Her other name is She-Who-Saves, and her flower is the Lotus lily.
Artisans in our Empire with their skills revive lost arts and crafts from beneath the countless years, and allow these to live again, and so we signify practitioners of great skill and service to the Arts and Sciences with a Star and Lily.
Golden Sword/Rapier
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier
The armies of the Empire ensure its security from within and without. However a warrior is of no use without a sword with which to strike down the foe from horseback when the time arises.
For those who have shown great skill with this weapon, a way of distinguishing them is required. Thus do we reward them with a sword/rapier of gold, so that all may know of their deadly skill.
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier, and edited by Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur
Great and honourable are those who use their skill with bow and arrow to pierce targets, whether man or beast, on foot and on horseback, during peace and during war. Great and honourable too, are those who teach these arts, for without them the skills of the father would not be seen in the son.
The Nock of an arrow holds the shaft to the string, allowing us to shoot true to our aim. So too do we recognise those who shoot true and teach others to do so, by awarding them the Nock of Lochac.
Red Wyvern
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier
In the lands to the south, they talk of a great creature, sinuous as a snake yet winged like a bird, which can be any colour of the rainbow. The red specimens are greatly respected, not just for their ability with tooth and claw, but because despite their deadliness they are civil, courteous and deeply honourable to all whom they meet.
So too does the Empire recognise those of its citizens who are deserving of great honour for their prowess with sword, with bow or with weapon of siege and whose courtesy places them above other warriors, by accepting them into the Order of the Red Wyvern.
In the mountains of the Himalaya, on the southern border of the steppes my homeland, a weary traveller can find a welcome respite from the evils of the world in one of the serene temples of the Buddhists. There can be found simple hospitality, peace, and most importantly; kind company.
In this land, this comfort is embodied by gentle folk who make society a kinder place to live, and so we signify their presence with a symbol of the rowan, the white-berried bush which grows in the foothills of the mountains where the temples can be found.
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier
Flat and desolate the steppes can be in Mongolia. Whilst there are many entertainments and diversions available during the day, when the sun goes down and the fires are lit, it is those who perform – the singers, musicians, storytellers and dancers – who keep our spirits up and united in purpose throughout the long nights.
So too, throughout the Empire do we cherish and honour those who entertain us through song, dance, the making of music and telling of stories – even during the coldest and longest of nights, with the awarding of the Taillefer.
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier and Sir Kinggiyadai Ba’atur
The People of the Eastern parts of the Empire speak of a beautiful bird, comprised of many parts – the head of a golden pheasant, the body of a mandarin duck, the tail of a peacock, the legs of a crane, the mouth of a parrot, and the wings of a swallow. In their tongue, it is called the fenghuang (fung wong), or Cockatrice.
Those who employ their great talent and artistry to recreate the most beautiful aspects of our histories beautify our Empire, and we reward this contribution by inducting them into the Order of the Cockatrice.
Golden Poyntel
Note: this award ceremony was not re-worded because the award creation was so new.
While deeds of valour make the heart bold, and works of art illuminate us all, these would be forgotten if none were there to record such acts. Thus those whose industry is inspired by the Cliotic Muse teach the scribal arts, glorify the awards of this Realm by illuminating their record and otherwise serve the College of Scribes, enhance and enrich the Realm. As the poyntel is used by the scribe to score the parchment, so too does the Crown use the Order of the Golden Poyntel to underscore the diligence and artistry of the scribe. Therefore, do Their Majesties proclaim [INSERT NAME HERE] worthy of great honour and do admit them to the right noble Order of the Golden Poyntel of the Kingdom of Lochac.
by Lord Jean-Christophe le Saussier
The steppes in winter are harsh and cold. Fires burn to keep away this chill, however, a member of the Empire must first be taught to build the fires that sustain us. So too, must all the skills of the populace be taught, so that they are not lost.
It is said that Prometheus taught man about fire, long before the Empire stood. We remember him and honour those who teach in all matter of skills within the Empire by inducting them into the Order of the Prometheus.